Story #9

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It was a very rainy night. Tonight's thunderstorm was extra grumpy. I was reading my book (Keeper of the Lost Cities Lodestar) When I found a secret page hiding in my book. I noticed the words of black swan's runes. Surprisingly I could read it! When I read all of it a shiny light beam was in front of me. I did what all of the people do when they find something strange, going near it. I went inside it and realized what it was. It was light leaping me into the book! I concentrated hard on myself so that I will make it out with every one of my body parts.

Suddenly I was standing next to Sophie and Fitz. They are having a conversation with Keefe who ran away to join the bad guys( but for a good reason, to spy on neverseen) I waited until Sophie put her hands on Keefe's temples. "She is reading his mind if you are confused" a weird British kind of more crispier voice said. I jumped and turned around.

I saw Fitz and his movie worthy smile. He had teal eyes ( All the elves have blue shade eyes)and black hair. I replied "Yea sure I read all about. I mean I heard all about her." I didn't want to let him know that I was from a totally different dimension then he would think that I am so weird. "Wait, why do you have brown eyes?" Fitz asked.

Ughhhh now he would think I am super weird. " Because I ummmm went to 'slurps and burps' and brought the brown eye thingy?" I said half asking a question half lying Fitz sighed "You know I can just pick out your secret in like three seconds?" "YUP I KNOW!" I said, overwhelmed.

Just then,Sophie dropped her hands and said "Keefe I..." Sophie hugged Keefe and she cried. Sophie is too dramatic. It should be Keefe who's crying if it was his memory.

After Keefe left because of the glaring bodyguards (AKA Goblins) and parents/guardians. "Grounded" Grady said "For the rest of eternity" Alden added.

When me and Sophie came back to Sophie's house I sat on a flower carpet and did something weird. I could suddenly hear Sophie's impossible to go in mind! I told her about this and she panicked and tried to block me but she couldn't! "Maybe you should..." I began but Sophie interrupted "You are an elf! But why are your eyes brown? Wait, did neverseen find a way to make another me? What is your name???" " My name is YUL and I don't know why my eyes are brown, maybe because I have brown eyes DNA or something, And I am not an evil version of you dude! Calm down!" I replied panting.

But then Sophie asked a question I did not want her to ask "Where are you from?" "Korea the other dimension Korea '' I whispered. Sophie said "do you want to go back?" " YES!!!" I shouted when Sophie made a path for me. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!" I sang "BYE FAREWELL!!! YAYA!!!" I went through the light.

I was back in my room with the Lodestar book placed on my lap. I thought my power would be gone but it kept growing. Soon I could vanish, talk in many languages, inflict happy things and bad things, teleport, and enhance. I kept my powers a secret except from my family hehehe! But don't tell anyone and I can make you not tell because I am also a mesmer!   

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