Story #10

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It was a cloudy night. When I looked outside from my mint colored window I saw lots and lots of umbrellas staring up at me. It was a very creepy fact that the umbrellas really look like they are glaring at me. You see, most people might be confused about the fact of the umbrellas looking at them and find why it was staring at them. But I think I will pass.

I quickly turned away from the window and looked at my very hungry hamster, Hammy. I don't know why but every morning, I wake up seeing my shivering hamster in my cupboard. I always say "Come on!" when I see little poops on the floor. I ALWAYS see traces of small blood even though I clean them again and again.

In my room, I watch the series of karate and follow the moves. When I glimpse at my hamster I swear I saw Hammy follow too. Hammy's eyes are glued to the screen when I see Spiderman, and scratch his mint stress roll when I see Ant man. I see that from the reactions that Hammy likes karate but doesn't like Spiderman and Ant man. But why???

When I am asleep, I am sure I heard some karate kicking and punching but I always think it is just my dream. When I open my eyes, I see weird stuff like my hamster Hammy fighting spiders and Ants. But I thought it was my imagination.

One night, I couldn't sleep but I laid still and hid under my blankets. Then I heard sounds, I opened my eyes and saw lots of hamsters, Ants, Spiders in my room. I wanted to scream and shout for everyone to go outside. But, I was frozen in terror.

I heard a Hamster say "Captain, What are your orders?" Hammy AKA Captain was getting ready to fight. "Today is an important night. We are going to make the spiders and ants flee once in for all!" Hammy shouted. Hamsters cheered for happiness.

The war began and the hamsters fought for their lives, and it seemed like they were winning without anyone getting hurt. But then... "Ahhhhhhhhh!" One of the hamsters was taken down and was held hostage. Now that I think of it I saw that hamster before! It was my neighbor's hamster! Now how did he end up here?

I heard an evil laugh "muahahaha! We have your best warrior! Now give up or else.." The guy with the evil laugh poked Snow (my neighbor's hamster) with a... fork.

It must have hurted because I saw Snow flinch as tiny drops of blood dripped down from Snow. So that's why there was blood on my floor!

The guy who poked Snow laughed and threw his fork directly at Hammy and.... Pink! Hammy used the karate trick and made the fork drop down.

I couldn't bear watching any more. I took a deep breath and... "ArrrrggggggG!!G!G!GG!G!!!!" I stood up on my bed and jumped down on the floor making everyone flinch. "Retreat!! A MAJOR OWNER ATTACK NEVER COME BACK GOOOOO!!!!!" The guy who threw the fork said. He disappeared and Hammy told me "Good job" as I went back to sleep as if nothing happened... (But we still don't know who the guy was.. Yawn..)  

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