Story #5

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Andromeda Jackson screamed as she tumbled down the mountain. " Andromeda!" She heard the scream of her brother, Penncy Jackson. They both were tumbling down the mountain until.. 'Whoosh!' Something grabbed them and pulled them to safety. They were too tired. They just slump into some kind of wool which is surprisingly soft. They didn't care if they were in danger. They only wanted to rest.

Andromeda woke up and saw they were in some kind of cave! She saw a very clear spring, a glass table.. Wait no.. The table was made out of ice! No wonder this place was cold! Andromeda shaked Penncy so hard, Penny rolled of the bed. "Owwwww! Seriously Andromeda! I will tell our father Percy Jackson to put you in..." He smiled suspiciously "the boat" Andromeda recoiled from her brother "don't you dare say that to your sister! We are only here because we have to train!" Andromeda growled "ah, doesn't matter anyways! I can tease you anytime I want" Penncy smiled.

Suddenly he shouted "ah! A giant glowing chicken man is behind you!" Andromeda turned like he said there was a giant glowing chicken man standing there "Ah! A giant glowing chicken man!" She jumped and hid behind her brother " It is ok!" The chicken man said "a.. A giant glowing chicken man that talks????" Penncy wondered "Penguin," the chicken man said "What?" "I am a penguin not a chicken!" "Umm ok," Penncy coughed into his hands "a giant glowing penguin man that talks. Much better?" "yep" Andromeda found her voice "Ummmm why are you in here? How do you speak? Why are you glowing? Why do you look like a chicken?" She blurted "This is my home, I am a special kind of penguin called the quackquackmolly, I glow because it helps me to fly, and I look like a chicken because I am a bird." Andromeda's mind was racing 'a quackquackmolly? What is that?'

She flipped through her favorite books 'Half-blood guide (How to kill the monsters)" And saw the quackquackmolly was some kind of spirit who eats people. I explained the problem to Penncy he looked confused, but he said he knew what to do: Light a fire. They ran out and successfully lit a fire while the penguin was inside, looking for good recipes to eat half-bloods. They jumped onto the ground which was crazy because it was 1 km away from the ground, but they have sharp reflexes so they survived the explosion. They hoped the quackquackmolly won't be alive for 1000 more centuries.

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