Story #7

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 It was a weird day today. But it was ok except that I WAS INVISIBLE FOR 20 HOURS! I know I know you are thinking "Hey! That is good! You can play games and prank people!" but I am NOT a pranking kind of person, I am a talking kind of person. And I don't care about pranking! So anyways I knew there was a cure.. Hmmmm.... I was sure that I put the "How to cure weird things! (Like becoming a pig or being invisible!)" inside my backpack.

I searched inside my backpack. Ewww! I found a day-old pizza box (Not sure why), a "guide to half blood" book, My cute dog figure which turns into a cute puppy, and.... Score! The book! (Put a dramatic sound here.. Dan dan dan!!!!!!)

I flipped through it, finding the page that said "how to cure invisibility" and... "found it!" I said coming to a stop. It read "½ spoon of the dust of space, 1 stripe of your best friend's hair, 1 fire of life, 1 strike of the Riptide, and 1 drop of your own blood. Then mix it together and put a single drop on your hand then done!"

" Ugggg! I am so lucky" I muttered and went outside. I kicked a rock. But something was glittering under the rock... The dust of space! I can't believe it! It was too easy! I quickly put it inside my jar and went to find my best friend's hair.

I walked and walked. I felt like my legs were turning into jello. I found my best friend in the... Movie theater. I mean how can she go alone? I quickly tugged on her hair and pop! One piece of hair coming right up! It was too easy! I plopped the hair into the jar. My friend turned around to see what was happening. I quickly hid behind the pole. But I am invisible! I panicked ok?

"Fire of life I heard that before" I muttered. Then I saw him! I mean them! This was getting easier and easier. I ran up to meet Frank Zhang and Percy Jackson. (But instead I bumped into lots of people and they started to yell at other people it was their fault haha)

How did they see me? Well readers Frank and Percy are not ordinary kids, teenagers whatever. They are demigods who can see through the mist so I just guessed that they could see me and said "HI!" into their ears. They jumped 2 meters away from me and took out their swords. "Whoa! Lower the sharp thingies oh speaking about shrape thingies I need your sword Percy and your firewood Frank!" they looked dumbfounded. I yelled "Is anyone there? Hello? Nah I will just take that and that" I snatched the firewood and the sword from them and carefully dipped the fire inside and made Percy's sword to spit out ink.

Then I gave it back to them. I guessed that it was time to leave because their faces grew red and started to yell at me "BLA BLA KILL BLA BLA YOU!" I ran stumbling and I tripped on and rock there was blood. I quickly thought "blood of me!" And scooped some up and put it in the jar. The liquid inside churned and glowed. I thought "I forgot to measure!" The spell was so strong I didn't have to drop it into my hands. It made me visible again! I ran to the house and crashed to my bed and slept. I know I know I have to "cure my scratch" but I don't care, it was tiring running around the town so yawn... Good night.. ZZZZ  

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