Story #12

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Today was the big day, the biggest day anyone will ever see. It will be history!! Me and my fellow astronauts went inside the spaceship called Robloxia 100928. It was one of the most comfortable and big spaceships the people had ever seen. The crew and I walked into the spaceship, and gasped in wonder. Everything was big and amazing. I can not describe it in words, so instead I took a picture!

It was time to blast off, my heart was pounding, and I quickly took a seat. I wondered about many different things, but I didn't say those in front of my crew. It might make them run away screaming "She is crazy!!!!" or " Too many questions!!!!!"

1...... Was it too late to get off screaming "I don't wanna do this!" 2..... Was this worth (possibly) my life????? 3..... Too late YUL you can't get off here.. Blast off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt the ship leave the ground, and it flew higher and higher every minute.

I screamed a very silent scream, as I saw an airplane on top of us! I controlled the ship, and we missed the plane by inches. I sighed and looked at everyone else. They were covering their head, bracing for impact. I sighed again and told them "Go now if you want to leave." Three of them (There were 5 people) grabbed the parachute and jumped out of the ship, and I heard their faint screams all the way down.

After 8 ½ minute I felt my foot floating up, and I knew we were in space. I was excited but also nervous because I feel space is dangerous. You never know! You can get sucked into a black hole or get lost.

I was so busy talking to myself I didn't notice the giant yellow thing in front of the ship... The sun!!!! My crew told me about this and I was like "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I quickly went to the controls and boom! The control broke. There was no way out of this except for dying in space.... We were blinded by the flashing light of (probably) sun, then, it went dark. I don't fall unconscious. I mean I could feel my body moving and I was saying "HELLO?"

Then, lights came back to earth... No..Not earth.. Space. "HELLO??? WHERE ARE MY CREW??" I screamed. "I.. am here..." One of my crew said quietly. "Then where is the other guy?" I asked Bolivia (My crew) " dead.." Bolivia whispered and burst into tears. I was dumbfounded. How, how can we both be alive but he isn't? What happened???

Suddenly, a weird guy with three eyes poked out of the remains of my ship. Wait..... What? Am I hallucinating ????? I pinched myself (Ouch), but the little guy was still there. It stared at me so long I remembered something important like, how did we survive the crash with the sun? Where are we? How are we breathing in space????

All of the questions were answered by that little guy. Ha Ha. Just kidding. He said "uidjkyfwioejkhdiukwehu" What? Was that gibberish?? But before I could ask him, he snapped his fingers and I was suddenly back on earth! I kissed the ground multiple times before all the people started taking photos. I was so glad I was on earth I didn't notice Bolivia was missing....

Meanwhile in space

Bolivia was feeling left out because there were no more friends to be with. The thing clapped it's hand and she was on a puppy planet with lots of cute puppies. They made Bolivia happy and made her a queen

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