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The next day Trinity and I went out to Branches a bar on 8th Street where we were meeting up with a couple of our friends from college. Once every few months we got together to catch up on our lives and I was really looking forward to it. Life has been living lately and I was looking forward to the distraction. 

"I'm sorry again about yesterday Mon. I was just so shocked I wasn't thinking about how I was making you feel," Trinity said apologizing for the umpteenth time. 

"It's ok Besti I forgive you. I wouldn't expect you to react any other way hell if you started dressing like a nun like me all of a sudden I'd react the same way," I joked. 

"No way I can't even imagine I am too hot to be covering up that much skin. And so are you I just knew you were going to come out here looking like a Sexii Mamacita again but look at you all covered up. What's the point of having all those curves if you're going to hide them? she asked. 

I thought about telling her there wasn't anybody here I wanted to see them but that would only lead to questions I didn't feel like answering. I was used to this though Trin always made snide comments telling me I dressed like somebody's grandma or something. I just didn't see any point in showing off that much skin aside for my partner. I loved her confidence though and really wish I had it. There are several times when I've gotten an outfit that I thought looked sexy on me and debated wearing it out but got a little too self-conscious to go forth with it. I mean these curves could cause wrecks and I just wasn't ready for that type of attention. Although I did like it when I was getting it from Dylan.

I waved Trinity on not wanting to continue the conversation. She had already called me last night apologizing after Dylan and her "had a talk" I was over it and Dylan already told me Trinity wouldn't be back to visit for a while so I wouldn't have to explain myself any time soon.

"Anyways should we order drinks or do we have to wait for Tisha and Mariah to get here? I asked flipping through the happy hour menu.

"Gurl I've barely eaten all day. These hoes got 5 more minutes and then I'm ordering drinks and appetizers and I'm not sharing, Trinity laughed. 

I waved the waiter over by the time he got here 5 minutes would have passed. "Well, dang you gon least share with me."

"Touch my potato skins and I will bite you," Trinity threatened. 

I ended up ordering my own appetizers and a peach margarita and let my greedy friend have her own. The two of us were halfway through our plates before the other two showed up. Mariah came in first moving quickly and looking over her shoulder. 

"Hey, I don't have much time Mariah is right behind me. Just do me a favor for the love of God do not mention Paul," she whispered as Mariah approached.

Trinity and I both nodded our heads in understanding. Mariah and Paul had been dating since freshmen year of college and the two of them had made up and broken up a million times since then. It was the most toxic relationship I had ever seen but Mariah was in complete denial of it. Then Last year the two of them got engaged and it seemed like everything had worked out but I guess not.

"Heyyyyy What up Diva's, Mariah said sashaying over to our table. She leaned in for a hug and my scenes were overwhelmed with the scent of perfume attempting to mask an even strong scent of alcohol. She had been drinking no she was drunk. Mariah doesn't drink, this is bad. 

"Woah Mariah where did you get that dress it is, you look, girllll, you wearing that dress," Trinity managed to get out. 

That was the nicest thing she could come up with and I respect my best friend for that. Mariah was looking a hot ass mess. First off her lace front looked like it had somewhere else to be aside from being on top of her head. Her dress was wrinkled and stained with who knows what type of substances but it did fit her well.

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