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I received a request for some Fluff a while back and wrote this... I figured it'd be a nice break between the drama since this story is getting a little emotional...So enjoy this commercial break


Sometimes I question sanity. Tonight was one of those nights. Business had been picking up lately so Monica and I both have been working double over time. Leaving my Princess without her normal sources of social interaction. Surprisingly enough she hasn't complained once respecting our schedule nor has she done anything to act out seeking attention and getting herself in trouble. So to reward her I decided to invite Monica over for a girl's night.

I told the girls to pick a movie while I was in the kitchen getting our snacks together. I was making popcorn, pizza, wings, a dessert charcuterie board with all their favorite snacks, and some drinks together. While they sat in the living room in matching pajama sets that said Besti's on it. I let them sit and catch up while I worked, they had 1 job pick a movie.

I want to watch a romcom Trinity said flipping through the movie selections. No, we always do romcoms let's do an action movie or sports movie Monica suggested. Ewww what sports who wants to watch a sports movie? Uh, I would Monica replied. Who wants to watch another corny love story with the main charcuterie running in slow motion through the rain to profess their love to someone who was on their way home anyway? I nodded my head in the distance agreeing with Monica but choosing to stay out of it.

It's better than watching some cars being blown up and ppl fighting and shooting at each other for no reason Trinity rebottled. Yeah well, Dylan likes those types of movies too so it's 2 against one Monica replied. I wasn't sure how I got pulled into this I could have sworn I told them to decide on their own. Oh, so that's why you want to watch a sports movie you trying to suck up to my Master Trinity said accusingly. What no I'm not I picked it because I like them, Monica defended. No, you don't we never watched them when we did movie nights before Trinity replied.

Yeah, that's because you usually whine about what you want and I end up letting you win to shut you up Monica said. But now it's 2 people that want action so you lose hoe. Da hell I do Bitch my Master like Romcoms too, Trinity sassed. Don't call me a Butch Hoe and we watching action. The two of them argued tussling over the remote.

Hey, language I yelled over the two. Sorry, they both said in unison. I shook my head I've been working on Trinity's bad habit of using foul language. She does good normally but when she gets around Monica she allows herself to get worked up and forgets herself. I know that she's excited to see her friend but that doesn't excuse her for disobeying and Monica knows well enough that being my employee I don't approve of her cursing either. I went back to the food satisfied with their apology as long as they didn't get too riled up I planned on letting them fight it out. No point getting in the middle of best friends fighting. The argument continued while I brought out the snacks then both asked me my opinions and I kindly ignored them.

After 30 mins I was done with everything and made myself comfortable on the couch sitting between the two still squabbling friends. Alright, what did we decide? We haven't Monica sighed Trinity's being selfish and acting like she's the only one watching the movie. No, I'm not Monica trying to be a kiss-ass and pick something you'd like 'cause she has a crush on you Trinity said annoyed. No, no I don't, Monica stammered. I ignored Trinity's comment not wanting to make things awkward for Monica. Language Princess I'm not going to warn you again, I say. Sorry Master she replied quickly.

How about we find something in the middle an action romance I suggested? I could live with that Monica agreed. I could live with that Trinity mocked. I shook my head and took the remote scrolling through the possibilities. While the two bickered behind my back. It was starting to get annoying now. Hey, you two cut it out or I'll cancel the movie night altogether. I'll send you both to bed and I'll sit here and watch the movie alone I threaten. The two of them got quiet after that and I managed to find a movie with equal action and romance to satisfy both of their needs.

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