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Kaylan left Sir Myers and me in the room for us to talk. The two of us sat at a table across from each other I had originally respectfully lowered my head but he asked me to raise it and talk to him normally for the interview.

"So Stephanie tell me about yourself," Sir Myers asked.

"Um I'm a masochist, I have brat tendencies, I enjoy," I say starting to explain my submissive history.

"I've read your charts already I know what you like as a submissive. I'm asking you to tell me about you. Who are you outside of your submissive role," he asked.

His question kind of threw me off. For my last interview all we talked about were my interest in being a submissive we hadn't gotten personal. I hadn't done too many of these interviews my x and I were already in the lifestyle and just happened to match up at a party. Before him, my previous mistress was someone I met through a friend. So this was new to me.

"Well Sir, there's not much to tell I'm really not that interesting," I replied.

"Humor me," he said.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Alright well I'm an Assistant at a catering company, I'm an only child and have no family aside from my best friend. Oh, and She's also a submissive," I said wrapping up the small details of my life.

"Hmmm, what's your favorite color," he asked. 

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked not seeing the point.

He sat there and looked at me not responding.

"Um, Sir," I said. Realizing I hadn't addressed him properly.

"I'm just curious," he said smiling at me. 

I honestly didn't see the point of asking me such frivolous questions when he was supposed to be taking me to the playroom and seeing if my submissive energy mixed with his dominant one but I decided to answer. There was something about his warm and gentle voice that took all of the fight out of me and just made me want to cooperate.

"Orange Sir, I replied.

"Favorite Season" "Summer Sir"

"Favorite food?" "Danger Dogs Sir"

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Danger Dogs?" he asked curiously.

"Yes Sir you know those hot dogs the street vendors sell on the corner of the street or outside of stores," I explained.

"I'm well aware of what Danger Dogs are I'm just trying to figure out why on earth those would be your favorite food?" she asked bewildered. 

"My Grandmother," she was actually one of those street vendors. She raised me with the money she made from those carts. And I swear those hot dogs were the most delicious things I've ever had," I said smiling.

Sir Myers smiled at me warmly, "And you say nothing is interesting about you." 

I guess that could be looked at as interesting. Either way, I was shocked that I admitted that to him. Nobody knew about my love for street dogs aside from Trinty and Dylan. And of course, Dylan gave me shit for my love of Danger Dogs she was always an ass like that. Though now that I think about it every time we passed a cart she always made sure to get us one. Damn, she really did always look out for me.

 I tapped my head with my fingers trying to clear my head of thoughts of Dylan. And Sir Myers looked at me curiously.

"Ha sorry weird habit I do when I'm trying to clear my mind," I said embarrassed. 

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