Chapter 69: goodnight

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Techno's POV:

I put my bag down on my bed and sighed. Just 20 minutes before my driver instructor got here so I could do a mock driving test. 

My day at school had been long and even though Dad had offered to pick me up earlier, I thought it was stupid to go home when I had so much work to do and it would mean Dad doing two school pick ups. Plus, with Tommy and Tubbo in school, free periods were semi fun now.

Like this afternoon, where Tommy was on a free period because he'd had a long day and James didn't think it was a good idea to push him to go to science. He's still on a reduced timetable I guess. Anyway, after spending the entirety of lunch together we sat down in front of my laptop and started playing some games online. It was just a bit of fun.

"Techno, have you got work to do?" James asked.

"Mhm, maybe." I mumbled.

"Right, Tommy here's the deal. You can play for 10 more minutes and then we've got to do some of this science work. I know you're going to fly through it." Tommy nodded quite happily. "And when we're doing work, I can't force you to do your's but I think your parents would appreciate me reminding you this is your a-level year."

"I know, I know."

"I'm not your parents. You don't want to do anything or don't have the capacity for it right now, then don't. That's fine. But don't let looking after Tommy be an excuse for not doing any work, that's my job," he laughed.

"Thanks James." I genuinely meant it but it didn't sound like it.

"You're welcome. I'll just go print this off for you Tommy."

Tommy was barely listening.

And then later, when we were both actually doing work, I realised how much nicer it was doing work with someone else. Someone who actually liked me. It had been years since I'd had that. But it was better than I remembered and I got way more done than usual. We do 'homework hour' at home but it never feels like this. I don't know why. I don't know a lot of things.

But no matter how nice it felt, I was so tired when I got home and the thought of doing a whole mock driving test was too much. Still my test was way too soon to reschedule the mock and it would get me out of doing quite a bit of homework tonight.

I got my laptop out and put it on charge so at least I could use it when I got back later. Then I quickly got changed, chugged a whole bottle of water (because I'd forgotten to drink any all day) and rushed downstairs to put my trainers on just as my instructors car pulled up in the driveway.

Tommy's POV:

I watched Techno get in the car from Tubbo's bedroom window. Tubbo was working on something on his computer and I'd decided I wanted to hang out in here for the evening. Once the car had driven off, I went back to sitting on Tubbo's bed, iPad in lap, watching some youtube with my headphones.

Mum and Dad were busy cooking dinner and organising paperwork. Apparently, we had been given a last minute meeting tomorrow to get our adoption officially sorted. I didn't really have the energy to understand tonight. All I knew was that Mum was ironing our shirts especially and that we were leaving school early. I didn't like leaving school early, I like it there.

But adoption was good too. And Tubbo was really happy about it. That made me happy too.

When we finally had dinner, Phil did a lot of talking. Everything was getting a lot and my brain was being too loud. At least Techno was back from his driving thing. "Tommy, it's okay, just let me cut it up for you." Kristin said.

I picked up the broccoli and threw it. "Right mister, time for a break." Phil picked me up and piggy backed me up the stairs to my room. We slumped in beanbags and Phil got me a box of my fidget toys to choose from.

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