Chapter 19. Legacy

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After classes, they gathered again. But this time even Lilly joined the group. As Hogwarts's lanterns began to illuminate the corridors. They made their way to the library. This would only be open for a faint hour. They sat in cosy corner. The discovery of all the information had sent their minds into a whirlpool of questions and speculation.

"It seems that Professor Sinestra is leading a double life." began Albus, his face furrowed in concentration. "But why would she have information about time travel and certain spells? Would this be the answers why y/n left the past and is now among us?" Hugo was startled when that was said. "Wait what?" The group enlightened Lilly.

"So you are from the past..." Lilly asked when Y/n joined the group and sat down. Y/n nodded slowly, her mind a jumble of possibilities. "We think so. There are too many clues. But go back to the diary. Maybe Sinatra still has help from someone els." Scorpius leaned forward, his grey eyes sparkling with excitement. "But who would that person be? And why? It all seems so... complex."

Lilly, her long red hair gleaming in the dim light, sighed deeply. "Perhaps we should ask Professor McGonagall for help. She has always had a keen eye for this sort of thing, and she could guide us on how to deal with Sinestra."

Hugo nodded in agreement. "I think that would be a good idea." But let's be careful. If Sinestra is indeed involved in time travels, the consequences could be enormous."

The next morning, the five decided to seek out Professor McGonagall. With pounding hearts and knots in their stomachs, they stood at the door of her office. Could she also have something to do with this?

Professor McGonagall looked worriedly at the stolen diary Hugo held in his hands. Standing next to her was Professor Sinestra, her face contorted with anger and frustration. Accusations soon flew through the air, but before the situation escalated, Y/n cast a spell that made Professor Sinestra stiffen.

With a sigh of relief, Y/n looked at McGonagall, begging to hear her story. With a nod, McGonagall agreed and sent Sinestra away, paralysed for now by Y/n's magic.

As McGonagall examined the diary, she discovered shocking information. Sinestra had bent the time barrier at length, leading to the strange events that plagued Hogwarts. Could there be a reason behind the secret diary containing information about time travel after all? Or is there someone else who planted this evidence somewhere to save themselves? She wanted to speak y/n alone and sent the rest away.

After hours of examination and interrogation under the truth spell and potions, Y/n seemed close to succumbing. But suddenly, as she seemed on the verge of exhaustion, something unexpected happened. A forgotten memory loomed up from the depths of her mind, a memory of a choice given to her by none other than Albus Dumbledore himself.

It turned out that Y/n was playing a crucial role in a plan that would turn the balance of time upside down. A person from the future had to return to the past, to be experiment on by their own will. So they could find a way to break a blood curse. Y/n was offered the chance to start over in the future, a choice that would be advantageous to both her and those who knew her. Professors Filius Banning and Bathsheda Babbling carried out Albus Dumbledore's deceased orders as he had intended, with instructions to legitimise it with the seal and the phoenix. The phoenix changed shape and became a bracelet that would protect Y/n and keep her identity secret.

But now the ruby on the bracelet snapped and turned into ash. From these ashes rose a baby phoenix, with big eyes looking at Y/n. This would be her new patron, a symbol of hope and renewal for her uncertain future. With a sense of wonder and gratitude, Y/n looked at her new companion.

Professor McGonagall stared with great amazement at Y/N and the majestic phoenix standing next to her. Her mind was spinning as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. McGonagall had destroyed the letter that she was about to write to the ministry and used a spell to ensure that Professor Sinistra returned, unharmed and unparalys. With a sense of urgency, Professor McGonagall immediately summoned Professors Banning and Babbling to her office. They needed to be overheard and know what had happened. And how would they proceed?

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