25. Arin

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"Shut up are you mad" she whisper yells making me chuckle "I'm mad since I was born but now it's a different kinda mad , princess"

They way her cheeks turn pink as I step closer makes me want to steal her from the world .

"Ishani is waiting at the table, what's taking so long ?"
There's this thing I've noticed about us selfish men. We care about nobody else than the woman we want and The man standing outside our door is the prime example of it .

"Un-uncle I'll be there" she stutters, her gaze bouncing between him and me .

"Where's arin ?" He questions and she turns furious.

"Here" I state with a smirk and whisper to her "kiss me if you want to escape embarrassment in front of your favourite favourite uncle"

He twists the door knob and she gets on her toes placing a kiss on my lips and that feeling .

It lasts for a very short while because the door opens revealing us to him . He stands there in a white dress shirt and black flawless trousers . He slips his hand with a loose golden Rolax in his pocket and lossens his tie ," What's going on ?"

"I - we -- " her face turns pale.

"Someone is troubling her at school so I-"

"Who the hell is he ? I though something is wrong when you sounded nervous" Uncle pulls out his phone but I state " I'll handle him uncle"

He nods "make sure you do and precious keep him around"

She nods clenching her jaw .

"And I'm just a text away , you know that" He places a hand on the side of his neck and tilts it . A few lines form on the center of his forhead .

"What happened to you " she rushes towards him and he smiles placing a hand on her head "You're just like your mom"

She grabs his bicep with both hands "What happened"

"I'm just tired, it was a long day . Go downstairs" he heads to his room .

"You moron" she turns around with rage "why did you lie"

"To keep you close princess and if you use bad words again , I'll make sure you regret it "

"Why don't you just leave me alone"

"I can, if you behave well but just for some time"

Lie , I HAVE to leave .

"Really" she steps closer as if unable to believe me.

I nod , " stay away from people , dress in decent clothes"

"What do you mean by decent " she almost yells at me . Bad fucking habbit.

"That cover more than half of your body because I don't want you to distract me while I'm at work"

Her eyes shine with madness .

"Okay" she nods "are you leaving now ?"

"No tomorrow"

"You won't be at Aisha's wedding" she questions trying to put her hair in place while looking at herself through the mirror. Aisha is aunt Zara's daughter and I'm close to them because of ofcourse Reyansh .

"No" I shake my head "I have no idea what's going on at the palace so I can't tell"

"Is it really a palace, like the one that's so huge an--"

I chuckle "yes it is princess"

"Do you have pictures, I've seen some on your profile but that's not the whole of it , right ?" she walks towards me and I nod "how quickly you go from pissed to pleased "

She grits her teeth "fine , I'm going"

She heads out and I follow her . Once at the stairs, we slow down upon seeing uncle kiaan sitting on a couch with his back facing us and aunt ishani pressing her soft fingers on his shoulders .

"You should have postponed some" she voices and he laughs "you are really dimwit, that's not how it works "

"Don't say that uncle please" Princess strolls down smiling " I love her so much"

And I love you .

As I stroll inside the the palace, a few of the council members pay me obeisance and nothing has changed. I see huge chandeliers reflecting on the cream coloured polished floor tiles as I strut inside the main hall .

"Where's the girl" her cunning voice gets into my ears and I turn around, stroll towards her and touch her feet.

"Long live the Queen" I utter . She places a hand on my head before spitting in her malicious voice " Where's the girl for whom you are ready to burn down this palace"

I do not want princess to be a part of her politics and so I avoid the question.

"Arin , bring me the girl"

"She has nothing to do with us , leave her alone"

"So you care about someone who insulted my son?"

If she ever comes to know about anything I love , she ruins and breaks it in order to have her control over me. She wants me to be the king under her will but once I sit on my father's throne everything will change.

"No, she's Reyansh's sister and you know him so well that I'm sure you don't want to trouble his family" I head upstairs but once I stop in front of my room, I see all of my stuff being taken out .

"You can go to any other room. Yuvaan wanted this one , I hope" she places a hand on my shoulder "you don't mind"

I pick my father's photo from the stuff lying outside and stroll out of that fucking place .

At the night, on the dining table there are uncountable number of dishes but I stare at the table in silence.

"Can I take your horse Arin please" yuvaan utters and khwab rolls his eyes .

"Yes" I nod . My cousin sitting next to me gives me a shocked look. He thinks Yuvaan is like his mother but that's not true , they are different . He's almost like a child even when there's not a huge age gap between us.

"The coronation " she suddenly states "will be held in two months "Arin you can call your other family to the event ."

I get up from the table and walk to my room . The days spent at the palace seem like I'm at a prison .

They keep me busy in a series of different meetings with council members and other necessary practices but once I get time , I decide to call Daksh.

"Still alive?" He chuckles and I sigh "oh wait what did you do to Rey ?"

"Nothing" I don't understand his reaction .

"He's pissed at you and I forgot to mention the girl he's so mad about is in goa and her name is Shivangi , reminds me of father in law"

"Good for him" at least Reyansh will have something to do in life other than killing people and he'll now not go after princess .

"Where's Heer"

"Everyone has just come back from the street shopping exp---"

"What the fuck did you say ?"

"And heer was there, trust me this made me so mad but you know when Reyansh is at her side so --"

I hang up and call her the very next second and she doesn't pick the call , I then call Reyansh who straight up declines my call making me even more furious.

I leave the room after taking my keys but suddenly I hear her behind me "You're not allowed to leave"

"Who will stop me" I head out straight.

You're done for princess.


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