22. Heer

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There are times when I find myself weak , vulnerable and loosing to my emotions. Every now and then , I have to remind myself that I'm not that girl .

I'm much more than just a businessman's daughter .

When his friend steps forward to grab me , I recall what kiaan uncle had told me .

Curl your fingers and clench their tips into your palm . Then draw strength from your shoulder. Slam your fist hard onto the cheekbone with so much pressure that the striking pain reaches his skull and when you do that be prepared for another attack.

I clench my fist and slam it hard onto the right place.

"Fucking bitch" the second guy growls as his friend spits blood and falls on the ground. I tilt my body at an angle and strike my pointed louboutin on his chest . Right at the solar plexus .

Ezhil begins clapping his hands slowly and laughs "everything about you reminds me of Reyansh"

"Because we both have been raised by the same man" I utter and he strolls closer . My defense mechanism kicks in again and I know where I've kept my pepper spray.

I need to leave .

The more time you spend with you enemy , the more time you give him to understand you , to plan another attack and maybe later you won't be left with time to escape so do it while you have it.

His friend whom I kicked grabs my ankle.

"Seems like the beauty is trapped ." He chuckles .

"Stay away from me" I scream and as his fingers come close to a strand of my hair , I use my pepper spray on his face .

"Urgh" he grunts . I kick my heel on his friend's face and dash out of the washroom.

I don't stop untill I'm at the place where there are so many people . I settle on my place with shivering legs . A feeling of disgust crawls up my legs and my vision turns blurry with tears . I keep my head down and my skull throbs . All voices fade away and I only feel sick and gross.

"Princess" king's voice gets into my ears and my heart sinks deeper into the pit of my stomach . He squats in front of me in the crowded stadium and looks at my face .

"What happened?" He turns shocked and I shake my head .

"Princess" he grabs my hands "Did anyone say anything to you ? Just tell me once"

"I -- I went to the washroom" my voice breaks and I choke on my words "then -- Ezhil came in "

His eyes turn dark and he clenches his jaw "what did he do ?"

"He -- I'm so -- Arin" my voice breaks and I wrap my arms around his neck . He runs a hand up my back and questions again "Did he touch you princess ?" His words dark and threatening.

I pull away and nod .

"Where" he cups my face and I get that disgusting feeling again . I don't want to say it so I shake my head .

"Tell me Princess"

"He -- slapped my ass" I look away squeezing my eyes shut . Tears roll down my cheeks but when I turn my head towards him, he's no longer here .

I look around and king is nowhere to be found.

"Excuse me, are you alright miss ?" A guy with golden hair questions and I nod "if you don't mind , we are looking for king. The race cannot be started without him . Even his car isn't here"

"I don't know where he went" I shake my head and they leave .

I suddenly feel scared , broken and lonely . I get up and head towards the door but my eyes catch sight of Reyansh's car . Dressed in a black leather jacket and black t-shirt under it , he walks towards me fast .

My eyes turn glassy and he cups my face "I'll kill him" he utters and I bawl my eyes out hiding my face in his chest . He keeps a hand on the back of my head and dials a call with the other one " Lawrence I recieved a video from a number , I want you to track that number and find me this guy "

"What video" I ask looking at his face . Reyansh shakes his head "I'll handle it , get in the car "

I know that ezhil must have filmed spanking me and ofcourse he wanted to piss reyansh off which he clearly did because kiaan uncle's only son and my cousin seems ready to commit homicide .

His phone dings with a text and he grabs my wrist walking towards the nearby building .

We step in the dark corridor and he slams his elbow into a door opening it with a loud noise .

The two guys turn into ice upon seeing Reyansh . He leaves my wrist and struts inside like death walk in with steady steps . I see a phone lying on a table . Ezhil must have left his phone to not get tracked .

His hand goes to the back under his jacket to take out a gun .

"Who the fuck do you think you layed hands on ?" He states in a low threatening voice. I know I fight with Reyansh a lot but that doesn't mean I'm not scared of him . He runs a crime Syndicate . He's not only having links with so many mafia organizations but my cousin threatens , kills and tortures people on a daily basis . A Mafia lord's son and that too the most dangerous one's .

"Reyansh w-we --- it was ezhil who" he stutters as reyansh pins him to the wall by his hair . The gun's tip inside his mouth . A shiver runs down my spine and bang-- bang . I scream out loud.

There's blood on the wall while the body slides down on its own .

"Raghuvanshi please -- listen to me for fuck's sake please" the other guy cries "I'm sorry , I'm sorry"

"You signed your suicide letter when you chose to lay hands on my pride ."

The guy suddenly dashes towards the exit and I flinch hearing a gunshot.

He falls dead at my feet while the back of his head bleeds .

Reyansh places the gun back inside and wraps an arm around me .

He gets me a bottle of water which I gulp down till half .

"Where is he" I ask Reyansh who seems so angry at king's mention .

"As much as I know him , you'll just see what he'll do now. You don't even know Arin one percent ."

"Don't tell uncle kiaan" it's always me who tells uncle kiaan everything what reyansh does but he has never done that . However this time , the thing is serious so I have to mention it.

"Don't worry" he nods and thank God.

"Guys have you seen Ezhil" I hear Melissa screaming to the crowd . It has gotten dark and most of the people have left .

"Pick up the phone fucker" Reyansh utters while I lean against his car not able to digest this entire day .

I hear a car's engine roar and I turn my head towards the entrance.

I hold Reyansh arm while he takes out his gun again . Shaking in my shoes , I realize it's King's car .

He drives in at a speed of racing and the few people standing there scream in shock because tied and getting dragged behind his car is the one who dared to touch me .


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