12. Heer

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A normal life , normal everything was impossible to even think about untill I heard it that day , he left and he really did .

It's been so long that I've left counting the months . I don't even wish to . King in my life was someone I really wanted to get rid of . However I feel upset about the fact that I once thought we'd make the best couple.

But now he's a nobody .

"I'll see you tomorrow" my gym companion smiles and waves as I get inside my car . The driver takes me home where I find Sia waiting for me .

"What's up" she grins .

"You're two minutes late" mumma utters and I laugh "sorry"

I , along with Sia head upstairs to my room . "How's the preparation for your play going on"

"It's fine " she voices "I wonder how papa will react"

Her dad is a man of principles and he doesn't like Daksh at all . Even though they both look cute together , I sometimes feel I'm cheating on my best friend by hiding things from her. But then on a second thought I see that Daksh isn't someone who'll ever harm Sia . Like he's the last person on earth to ever even think of doing so . I don't want to create a rift between them and it's all about HIS feelings. I shouldn't be the one to disclose them and I have no rights to do so .

Rest about the Crime Syndicate that my cousin , Daksh and someone who shall not be named run together , it's better if it stays a secret . I once found out about that when I was spying on Rey . That night I was shit scared. Someone knocked at my door and my face turned pale. It was daksh . He told me I should stay away from the mess all three of them are involved in and I took the advice but now after everything with king, I want to scream it out to the world and ruin his life . However, I won't do so . I might hate my cousin but I love his parents .
Also, I know nothing will happen to them even if the secret is disclosed.

"Oh my god ,Heer are you alright "

"What" I shake my head and she begins laughing " You're lost in your head"

I shake my head smiling , " I love you"

"Aww , really" she hugs me and I shut my eyes.
I'm afraid of being alone . Nobody knows it because I've successfully manged to paint an image of myself that says people are dying to be with me .
Yes , that's true but those people don't love me . They want me for materialistic aspects of my life not my emotions and sensitivity . They fall for the sparkling sight of my world but they don't have an idea about how lonely everything seems up close . That nobody is really going to love me outside my family circle .

Wherever I go, I get glares of people who either want to be me ,want to be at my place or they hate me because they can't be here .

"Please don't ever leave me" I pout landing my head on her thigh . She runs her hand over my head smiling "never"


"You know that I trust you so much"

"Me too" she kisses my forhead and I grab her hand like a child .

"Don't hurt me"

"You're not someone who deserves that"

I squeeze my eyes shut as if that will remove a certain someone from my memories . I wish I could .

The next day brings another chance to bring my life back to normal like I've been doing for the past year and a half.

After Sia's play and a whole set of drama between Uncle Shiv and Daksh as usual ,I head towards the car in school's parking area.

"Hey" my classmate Vaibhav grins looking at me . The guy is very famous at school being the football team's captain . His dad knows my dad really well and his family is rich so he studies at the Mandhana High .

"Hey" I place my bag inside the car . He's really kind and sweet . Most of all I pity him because he's been hitting on me since so much time . All in vain .

"So I'm here to request you , if you could give my proposal a second thought"

The guy is not only a green flag but a parade of green flags .

"Viabhav , I told you . I don't --"

"I know it's all about the guy , king but I'm not him" he clenches his jaw

"Please don't mention him ." I utter looking away . "Nothing in my life is because of him . I just don't trust people anymore"

"Heer" he steps closer "I won't hurt you , trust me".

He doesn't even know that I've heard those words , at the same place earlier in the same tone ,through a more gorgeous set of lips .

"Vaibhav" I open the car door "You're waiting your time"

"I don't think so " he smiles "one day ,you'll let me in" and he walks away . My heart begins racing .

I get inside my car and to distract myself take out my phone.

"Guys , I have a plan" Cherry has texted on the group chat . There's a rich girls group where the girls mostly discuss about shopping, vocations and spa.

"Exaclty at one at Reyansh's party"

"What the heck" I read the last text and I know there's something really fishy .

I exit the chat and call siara while walking to the doorstep .

"Yes mam" she giggles.

"Sia - can we , like go to Rey's party tonight ."

"Daksh ?"

"Ofcourse, he'll be there"

"Then I'm in"

"Okay , I'll pick you" I hang up and walk up the stairs. I find a black dress for myself and matching pair of heels . Leaving a few strands at the front, I tie my hair in a ponytail .

"heer brought me to the college party but we're confused, can you please bring me in" Siara utters on the phone while I look around Rey's Villa . I've been here before but that was during the day . Right now I can't find a way so she called Daksh.

He looks at her like a creep. He seriously does but he can't help it . I don't know how she doesn't even notice .

Walking inside, I keep looking around for Cherry . I don't know what she's upto right now . Once the door opens, I smell alcohol, smoke and a mix of perfumes .

The beats of music make my brain cells vibrate with every step . I can see almost every student from the college and my school too . These parties are mostly looked at like the biggest sign of social status . If you can attend Rey's party , you can basically live . Otherwise , you're just a nobody and your life is a hell. Inside I see Rey and--- king !!
WAIT who ?

No that -- can't be .

My feet freeze on the shiny black tile and the inside of my chest heats up . My heart sounds like a drum, my head goes numb . When I meet those eyes behind the smoke he just blew out, my body goes into a state of hypnosis.

He zeroes his focus on my face ignoring Reyansh's conversation while I still try to register that

The ruin of me , the destruction, the evil of all evils , my nightmare turning into reality, right in front of my eyes.

Holding the joint between his gorgeous lips , he gets up and my defence mechanism kicks in . His target,
Is Me

And he's fucking handsome.

Shut up heer , he's an ass .

Yes , he is and he uses those looks to deceive, to hurt , to bring sorrow. I bring back life to my legs and turn around ready to dash out . Sia asks me to stop but I sprint away . Not from her but from him , who will most definitely destroy me again.

He, whom I hate the most and the only person on earth who scares me to death.

The Most Insensitive King


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