3. Heer

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As if under a spell, I freeze and he yanks me away from the door . Connecting my back to the right side wall he shoots laser beams from under his long eye lashes . Okay he might be extremely handsome but I haven't given any man a right to manhandle me and I don't plan to do so in near future . As I curl my hands into fists his hands brush my upper arms untill he leaves me and steps away. Shivers runs down my arms because of that touch . He strolls towards the door and I don't fail to notice how effortlessly appealing his black jacket looks . I can almost imagine the shape of his biceps . I flinch all of a sudden when he knocks the door with a strong kick .

The door lock falls making a  shrill sound and he pulls the door opening it so that he can stroll on . I keep my eyes fixed at his back untill he's ten steps away from the door and turns around . I freeze as his gaze travels from my face to my entire body before he vanishes from the sight .

I finally breathe freely and Siara rushes in ," what happened? Who was here"

"King" I state tightening my ponytail.

"What ? What was he doing here and I didn't know he came to town "

In my sixteen years of life, this is the first time I was so scared.  Not because I was locked inside a room but because he was around when I was vulnerable.

I stroll out and decide to head home . Once I reach home,  my phone rings with a call from uncle kiaan .

The only good thing that has happened to me since I stepped inside the school today is his call .

"I talked to Reyansh , don't worry my precious, he'll not repeat his actions"

Only if you knew him .

"I love you uncle,  you know that I do . You're my favorite"

"What about me" I hear aunt Ishani speak from behind him . I let out a soft laugh "I love you both"

"Better" she states and after having a very joyous discussion with them , I hang up and the only thing that's revolving in my mind is him . Why was he even there ? Siara told me it was the girls who locked me in so basically nobody knew he was there .

I get a call from Sia that we are going out so I happily get dressed in a blue short body cone dress. I got it last time when I went shopping with mom and it's a perfect fit . Pairing it with the same coloured butterfly heels , I leave my hair loose .
"Where to ?" My mom asks leaning against the door frame .

"I don't know but with sia and maybe Daksh too"

"Okay but don't be late" she states and I hear a car horn from the driveway .

I hug her and leave a kiss on her cheek "sure thing "

Walking down I check my orange tinted lips for one last time.

"Oh - oh someone's extra sexy today" Sia chirps and I laugh .

We head towards Daksh's car and she gets on the backside seat leaving me confused .

"Why are you --" My face turns pale when I see that the front seat is taken already because " king is coming with us " she states and I force a smile .

So you Should have told me before ! I mentally snap at her as I get myself next to her.

"Did you recently get a boyfriend or something" Daksh utters starting the car and I notice that Kung suddenly straightens his neck finally looking up from the screen of his phone . His gaze zeroes at my face through the mirror .

"No why"

"You're dressing up too beautifully" he laughs and the chocolate brown eyes go back to the screen.

"So you think girls dress up only for guys" sia questions and daksh laughs again "no it feels like she has someone she wants to impress"

"Can you focus on the road or you'll get yourself killed" finally the mute maniac's cold self speaks up.

I hide behind Daksh's seat to avoid his glares but I have to remind myself I shouldn't be scared of anyone. 

Once we reach at the party which is at Ruby's place , I grab Siara'a hand and drag her away from Daksh .

Now it will be the most prominent news of tommorow that king is here and girls at the party seem to have already noticed that . These guys are like celebrities here . When I turn  again , I find him hugging my ass of a cousin.  I guess I can never speak nice of Reyansh .

With the beats of music vibrating through the air , I feel goosebumps on my skin because of the chilly winds . We take seats indoors near the bar while Sia suddenly claims "I wanna dance , come on "
"I'm not in the mood but I'll watch you " I giggle and she rolls her eyes "I attend parties to escape papa's strict suffocating air . Can you help me make it fun ?"

"Need me ?" Daksh smiles at her and ofcourse he's ready to do anything for her .

"Before I puke , leave both of you" I utter and they laugh walking towards the dance floor.

I start scrolling through my phone but I feel the chair next to me rotate . My breathing stops for no reason as I see king . With eyes fixed at the phone in his left he taps his fist on the table "Neat"

The bartender who is a girl grins upon seeing him . I slide my phone aside and voice "one long island iced tea"

As soon as the words skip my mouth he straightens his neck and places his phone aside "that's not for someone like you " he orders giving me a long death stare.

"What do you exactly mean by somome like me" I rotate my chair giving his glares right back to him .

Surprisingly his lips twitch as he grabs his glass from the table and takes a long sip . "Dainty little princess , pampered and spoilt won't look nice tumbling in shit expensive shoes"

The arrogance dripping from his face irritates my skin but I force a sarcastic smile "I guess you've taken them calling you king too seriously because to me you don't look like one so don't try to rule me . You can't"

"But to me you look like a princess "he shifts his chair closer making my throat go dry .

"You're not the first " I flip my hair back before trying to almost get up but his words freeze me on place "maybe because you're too beautiful"

I feel as if there was a basket of flowers inside my chest and he just kicked it .

"Are you trying to flirt with me ? Your best friend's cousin sister"

Don't blush ,don't blush . He's just trying to get under your skin .

"You're scared" he smirks looking straight into my eyes and I shrug "why would I be ?"

"Why won't you be" his hand comes to mine but suddenly I hear "Heer"

I turn to the right and my vision fills with Cheery's face . "King" she spits out with sparkling eyes and as if automatically her soft girl side comes out .

He doesn't budge, doesn't move his eyes from my face . Death stare on place .

Cherry being Cherry raises her hand to touch his shoulder "I didn't know you --"

"You don't want to do that" Reyansh's voice gets into my ears . Still his friend keeps staring at me.

"He'll break your wrist like a pencil ." Reyansh chuckles making chills run down my spine . King registers that I flinched and moving back in his chair , he gulps rest of the drink with his eyes drilling holes in my face.

"Let's go" Cherry tells her minions I met in the washroom earlier and leaves . I get up from the chair but Reyansh speaks again "I'm not taking you home and uncle Abhi won't be very happy if you call a driver. It's not safe"  he smirks.

"I can go with Daksh"

"Daksh left with Siara Raichand because she wasn't feeling well and he asked Arin to take you home." He nods raising his brows "good luck with that"

My gaze drifts back to king's face and I know that I'm done for .


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