15. Arin

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"How about a no" she grits her teeth trying to show herself as a lioness . Although she is a lioness but not when the king stands facing her .
I can see her hands trembling behind her back . I can see the goosebumps on her soft skin . I know she's scared but she won't accept the fact.

"If it's a no ,I'll fuck a yes out of you . The choice is yours princess"

"Don't dare to touch me king , I'm disgusted by your presence and the fact that I have to see your face again , hear your voice and ---" she freezes when I cut the distance between us all of a sudden . Her heaving chest keeps distracting me as I look into her eyes.

"You still want me"

She makes her head fall on the left shoulder smiling sarcastically . Fuck , she's fire .

"What kind of delusional world are you living in king"

" the one where you're naked" I smirk and her face turns red . I know where the right buttons are and I'll push them on the right time .

"I'm aware of your low character"

That makes me chuckle and I click my tongue "you still aren't princess." I step closer towering over her and she places her hands on my chest to keep me away . I grab those breakable wrists and lock her hands behind her back .

"I'm way more terrible than you have ever thought in the past . I don't care about anything" except you.

"Leave me" she winces twisting her wrist .

"How about a no" I smirk . She brings her knee up with a force and I must be proud at that courageous attempt . Grabbing her thigh , I dig my fingers into that soft skin . It turns pink with my touch . Fucking beautiful .

I couldn't get myself over her even when I thought she did what I thought she did but now , there is no reason to even try to distance myself from her .

No fucking reason .

"King" she looks pale "Don't"

I smirk and lift my leg untill my knee is at her most sensitive part.

She gulps air digging her nails into my hand behind her back so I push my knee upward and rub it into her skin under the skirt.

She squeezes her eyes shut . My hand goes up that pretty neck and I give a squeeze to her throat . Her big round eyes bulge out and her face turns red.

"Look at me in the eyes and let your bratty self understand you belong to me"

"I don't, I won't ever . Take your hands off me" she almost screams forgetting we are at the school campus . I don't care about the school but I definitely don't want her to be the school news everytime.

"What are you gonna do ? Run away ? Don't even dare princess because I'll fuck you right wherever I find you"

"Use all your fucking might King . Let's see if you can fool me twice because I'd rather eat dirt than be with you"

"There no fooling around this time . It was a -- mistake when ---"

"Oh shut up or I will throw up and stop touching me"

"Stop touching you where" I smirk.

"You know it moron"

I grab her throat again "BEHAVE" my lips crash on her and I bite her before sucking the life out of her lips. I trail kisses down her neck and she moans making a beast come to life inside me . Removing my knee from between her legs I place my right hand at her sensitive spot .

"King --- stop " she speaks in a rough erotic voice.

"Tsk princess , behave" I cup her from down there and she jumps up like a current runs through her body .
"King --- please leave me"

"Can't" I pout and I know she's angry . That's what makes it all the more fun . The bratty princess , loosing everything at king's word.

"Please" Her eyes turn red and I get a mixed feeling . When it still feels hot as fuck , I didn't want to make her cry . At least not without pleasure.

"You don't want me to touch you" I question and she shakes her head .

"Do I care" a smirk curves my lips and her face turns pale .

My hand travels up to her waist and she begins Shivering .

"Maybe I'll let you go if -- " I whisper close to her ear " you ask nicely "

After a few seconds she brings her hands up my chest " king --- please -- let me -go , I have classes and --- "

"And ?"

"And I--- urgh , I hate you ------- I'm yours"

I laugh out loud placing my head on her shoulder "okay princess " I get away "it's difficult but I'll wait untill we are alone again"

"I will ruin you" she gives me a death stare.

"I think we'll both ruin each other . Stay away from the actual morons unless you want --"

"I know it , I fucking--"


" I know everything king , bye".

"You're forgetting something princess"

She turns around and places a millisecond of a kiss on my lips before storming away .

My phone rings with a call from Reyansh . I take the call walking out of the school campus.

"Found the asshole who is gonna be Heer's Prom partner . He'll be at the club's weekend party tonight . Once again , just to be clear. I just want to spoil her prom . I don't fucking want you to go after her because ---fuck that's traumatizing" he hangs up and I get inside my car planning a way to make that fucker dissappear.

I find Daksh and Reyansh outside the club as it begins getting dark.

They keep bickering about something while I make my way inside the club . "We're heading to the gym after this aren't we" daksh utters while the guys leave way for us . I walk to our table inside the underground fighting club .

"If my mom calls , tell her we already are at gym right now" Rey states scrolling through his phone .

"Ofcourse I live to keep lying to aunt Ishani's face" daksh shakes his head .

"You live to protect me" Rey utters and the club begins echoing with claps when the fight gets over .

"So the football team's captain wins against our basketball captain . Better luck next time Daksh" the announcer says and Rey smirks.

Daksh ignores it and my mind goes numb when I hear the next announcement.

"Now its time for the game of chits . As usual three chits will be drawn and so there will be three fights. The first chit --- oh my god --- I think the whole school would be ready to fight for Miss Mandhana !!!! Come on , raise your hands ,try your luck and win a date with her" my blood begins boiling and I only see red . Reyansh evidently becomes irritated when he's about to get up and stop the announcer . I place a hand on his thigh when I see hundreds of hands in the air around me.

My eyes zero at her face through the crowd and I clench my fist that's screaming to draw blood.
So much fucking blood .

"King" daksh shakes his head .

I grab a bottle and gulp half of it while Rage runs through my veins along with alcohol


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