16. Heer

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"You know what, he's a little scary" Sia states making me shift my gaze from the car window to her face .

"King ?" Ofcourse scary means king .

"Yeah , I mean I saw him threaten some guys with the most inhuman statement of all and through his eyes , I could see he meant each and every word of what he said"

"Can I for once" I almost scream "for once have a king-free life " I place my face in my palms .

"I'm sorry heer , I shouldn't have mentioned him"

"No it's not your fault , everything revolves around his toxic ass" I state and my phone suddenly rings with a call from uncle kiaan . My heart jumps with happiness.

"Uncle kiaan" I chirp on the phone as if I'm a five year old .

"Why aren't you home till now ?"

Oh shit ! I forgot about the Diwali party .

"I'm really sorry uncle , I'll be home soon . I promise ."

"Make sure you do precious because otherwise I'll have to --"

"No, uncle kiaan I'll be home. I won't create any problems for aunt ishani . I swear"

"That's like my daughter" he hangs up and I smile . He can tolerate anything from the kids but not us troubling his wife.

"How could we forget about the party, God papa will be angry "

"We'll directly go to uncle kiaan's from the fight club. I just want my assignment back from that Cherry"

She stole it from my locker just so that I'd come to take them from this cheap place she's at . I know she has planned something but I'm not scared at all .

Once we reach inside , there's a fight going on already and people who belong to our college and school are screaming like mad animals.

I keep scrolling through my phone untill I hear " the whole school would be ready to fight for Miss Mandhana !!!! Come on , raise your hands ,try your luck and win a date with her"

My head begins throbbing as I see the announcer holding a chit with my name on it .Someone hits me with their shoulder and when I look around , it's Cherry who whispers "thank me later" and she throws the assignment towards me .

"I'll kill you" I snarl as so many hands go up and my blood begins boiling . An over-excited guy jumps inside the ring. I turn around to leave but Sia grabs my elbow . Suddenly , the surroundings turn silent.  All hands go down while one goes up . A single , strong , tattooed arm up in the air. The club so silent that I can even hear myself breathing .

"Fuck" I mumble as the owner of that hand stands up from the chair .

His eyes match mine while nobody else dares to raise a hand now .

He instantly gets out of his black t-shirt. I see people's Jaws hitting the floor as he steps inside the ring . Rey excitedly gets up rubbing both his hands together.  He places a suitcase of money on the table to bet on his friend. I look for daksh but he's already walking out of the door so my last hope also gone .

Also, cherry's face turns colourless as she sees king . I'll seriously kill her.

I freeze once he steps inside the ring and without warning slams a punch on the guy's face who came to fight earlier.  I'm sure he didn't want to fight king . His face lands on the floor making it red with blood . He's angry.  Scratch that , he's a raging bull right now and I know he thinks I gave my name for this stupidity .

I didn't.

"A-anyone el-else " the announcer asks and the crowd is dead silent . The only one who's laughing is my cousin . He's the most excited one here .

I look at king who has his rage filled eyes fixed at my face . He snatches the chit from the announcer and crumbles it in his fist .
I gulp the lump in my throat , grab my best friend's hand and sprint out of the club .

"Oh my god , he -- he just " siara turns breathless .

"He has no humanity whatsoever" I blurt out as we get inside the car . She's traumatized and so am I. We get ready at my house and head to uncle kiaan's but to my dismay , I find King's car in the driveway.  I can't run from him . There is no freaking escape at all .

"Where's Daksh" Sia questions looking at Aunt ishani while my eyes revolve around uncle kiaan's mansion in fear .

"The boys are upstairs doing god knows what and Daksh was late but he's also with them in Reyansh's room" she answers and Siara walks upstairs. 

"Where's uncle kiaan"

"Your favourite one is so irresponsible "

"Now what did he do ishu" I chuckle walking towards the kitchen counter.

"Well, I asked him to select a dress but he went outside leaving me totally confused"

"It's okay , I'll help you"

"Thank you so much heer "

"Dimwit is this one--" we both turn towards the main door from where uncle kiaan walks in with a shopping bag .

"Hello uncle kiaan"

"Hello my precious and my very lovely dimwit"

"Where did you go , you irresponsible Man of the house" she slams her hand on the counter .

"To get you a better dress and I love you too"

"Aww" I hug him "I'm so proud of you uncle . Please find me your first copy" I suddenly hear a door open upstairs and my spine jerks straight.

Aunt ishani giggles and I  dash upstairs saying "I need to change"

"Come back soon" she utters and I nod .

Breathing heavily I lock the door from inside and state to myself "now I'm in a safe zone . At least for sometime I won't have to tolerate king's toxicity"

"Or maybe not" I hear his voice and my heart sinks to my stomach. I raise my hand to turn the light on but he warns "Don't princess"

He stops in front of my face . A little moonlight falling on him from the side and he looks heavenly gorgeous and threatening as hell .

"Who the fuck told you to auction yourself at a cheap ass club"

"You won't believe me but it was your favourite cherry who gave my name"

"Hmm" he nods and my heart aches that he didn't counter the favourite thing "listen princess, I don't trust you because you're a kid . You don't even know how to protect yourself and I don't give explanations . This is the first time in my life I'll give one so consider yourself lucky . She -- whatever her name is - was just a means to hurt you"

"Congratu-fucking-lations king , you did it . Now leave me alone . Can you please"

"I want you to forget everything and Be Mine again"

At his words I scoff , "not gonna happen "

"I can kneel before you Princess . Look me in the eyes,  I really need you "

"And I fucking DON'T.  GO TO HELL . You think I'm a joke ? You ripped my heart right from my chest and left me bleeding . You stepped over my feelings King and I hate you the most . You can do whatever you want but I will ruin you . I'm no ordinary girl you left crying . Kiaan Raghuvanshi has raised me . You see what I'll do to you "

"Adorable" he tilts his head to the side "so you want me to force you because your king princess, can't be stopped" he grabs my throat slightly squeezing it .

"I will never ever trust you again"

"There is no need" he turns cold and throws me on the bed . "Because you're already mine " my body begins shivering as he walks closer to the bed .

"I'm gonna scream my lungs out , uncle kiaan is a few steps away and he, will seriously kill you"

He smirks and instantly the air fills with sound of loud music from the hall downstairs.

"I guess I won you for tonight,  didn't I?"


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