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You stood in front of Mr. Selik's desk early Friday morning as he looked over your glowing recommendation for the Head Technician position. After some careful consideration, you felt you made the correct decision. Mr. Selik set the paper down, and then looked at you.

"After reading what you had to say, I think I have to agree with you. Only time will tell if we made the right choice, though." He said, folding his hands on his desk.

"I think we did. I watched his progress personally, and I can think of no other I would rather share an office with." You said, and Mr. Selik gave you a smirk.

"Is this a ploy to avoid an obnoxious office mate?" He raised an eyebrow at you.

"No. Anyone would be an improvement over, ugh, Gary." You wrinkled your nose in disgust at the memory of the unpleasant manchild. "I really do think he'd be an excellent Head Technician, and that is my completely unbiased opinion." Mr. Selik nodded his head in approval.

"Alright, let's go make the announcement, and then I can fill him in on his new responsibilities." Mr. Selik stood from his desk, and made his way to the door. You followed him through the business offices, though a series of maintenance tunnels, and finally to your department where everyone was getting set up for they day. They stopped when they saw the big manager walking in.

"Can everyone please come here? I have an announcement." He said loudly to make sure everyone heard. It didn't take long for a group to form in front of them.

"Thank you. After a lot of thought, and a recommendation from your Head Mechanic, I have finally decided on who gets the Head Technician position." Mr. Selik said, and the others shifted in excitement wondering just who would get the promotion.

"Kevin Hawkins!" He said, and the group applauded the choice. It was clear that while some were disappointed that they weren't picked, Kevin was still quite popular among the group. The man himself looked surprised.

"Really? Me? Why?" He asked, giving you a touched look knowing that you recommended him.

"You made the biggest turnaround I have ever seen. On top of that, you own up to your mistakes, and are always the one to take charge anytime I'm unavailable. No one else here would be a better fit than you." You said honestly, and Kevin looked flattered.

"So what do you say, Kevin? Do you accept the promotion?" Mr. Selik asked.

"Yes! Absolutely, sir!" Kevin said, both looking and sounding excited about the new job.

"Great, then follow me to my office so we can fill out the paperwork, and I will explain your new responsibilities." Mr. Selik waved him over, and the two left Parts and Service.

Once they were gone, the crowd parted to go back to their jobs while talking amongst themselves about their new boss. You smiled as you made your way to your office, ready to show Kevin the ropes should he need it.


Freddy reactivated after his evening check up, and looked around the department. He had never seen things run this smoothly here before. It was impressive how great things could be when the right people were in charge. He had to give you and Kevin kudos for a job well done. Especially with it being Kevin's first day as Head Technician.

"Alright, Freddy. You're all good code-wise. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Maisy asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"No. I'm good. Thank you for asking." Freddy answered, and the tech smiled at him as he allowed himself up.

With their maintenance check now done, all that was left for this department was to get things ready for closing. Which was something the crew had proven they could do themselves time and again. So he had no problems kidnapping you to get an early start on your date night. It was decided between you that Friday and Monday night would be date nights. It was to make your weekends apart all the more bearable.

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