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Roxy had her ears fixated on the garage door, just waiting for you to come back in. Outwardly, she was paying attention to the movie Sun had pulled up, but inwardly, her mind was elsewhere. You had disappeared into the garage a few hours ago, and she was just biding her time. Why was she focused on you so much? Well, it wasn't you she wanted to get to, per se. It was your phone.

She knew you'd probably give it to her if she asked, but she wanted to try something you probably wouldn't agree to. Ever since Kaylee had shown her Bluetooth, she had been dying to see if she could connect to it like she could the Fazbear software. She was even nice enough to consider showing her friends. All she needed was a golden opportunity to snatch your phone, and try it. Finally, you walked back into the house.

"Alright, the mess is cleaned up." You walked in, looking absolutely drenched in sweat.

"Again, sorry about the mess." Monty apologized.

"Don't feel bad for processing your grief in the only way you really know how." You said, giving him a look that left no room for argument.

"What about your wrist? Is it agitated again?" Freddy asked, looking ready to jump up and help at a moment's notice. He had wanted to help you clean up, but you insisted that you could do it just fine on your own.

"No. I was careful about it. You don't have to worry." You said, and Roxy could tell that you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. She tried not to snicker.

"Anyways, I'm going to go shower." you announced, and made your way to your room. Roxy watched you head for the stairs. This was the opportunity she was looking for. Just to be on the safe side, she waited at least ten minutes before acting.

"Hey, you guys keep watching. I wanted to check something since this is our last day here, and all..." she trailed off, and the others deflated a little at the reminder. They had all really come to enjoy staying at your house, and were saddened at the thought of leaving. But they knew from the beginning that this was only a temporary set up.

"Okay." Freddy spoke for all of them, and they turned back to the movie. A little more subdued than they were seconds before. Roxy felt kind of bad about that, but not too bad.

She made her way over to the stairs, and crept up them as best she could. She knew you could hear when they were coming up, and didn't want to warn you. She somehow managed to get up the stairs almost silently, and allowed herself a moment to be proud of her accomplishment. She knew she was the best for a reason.

She placed an ear to your door, and heard the faint sounds of the shower running. Satisfied that you weren't inside the bedroom itself, she slowly opened the door and stepped in just as carefully as she did coming up the stairs. She smiled in victory when she saw your phone resting on your dresser.

She picked it up, and saw that it required a face I.D. to open. She remembered Kaylee saying something about it being a safety feature to protect all your information. Her ears flattened in disappointment. Now what?

That's when she spotted the lanyard holding your employee I.D. hanging from your closet door knob. Could it work? She snatched it, and placed the photo of you close to the camera. It unlocked easily. She smirked in satisfaction. Now to go share her spoils with her friends...


"Guys! Guess what I have!" Roxy said, as she rounded the corner holding your phone.

"That's (Y/N)'s! Put it back." Freddy said, standing up. He knew for a fact that you wouldn't just give it to Roxy, especially without supervision.

"Lighten up, Fredbear. I just wanted to try something, and was curious if you guys wanted in." she said, rolling her eyes.

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