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Wednesday was nothing short of busy. People absolutely crowded the PizzaPlex, intrigued by the special announcement and the news crews. Bonnie was welcomed back with open arms, and Bonnie Bowling was busier than it had been in years. There was an actual waiting line for people to go up to not only bowl, but to see the rabbit in action after three long years. Instead of the usual evening concert that was put on, the Mr. Selik thought it'd be a great idea for Bonnie to do a comedy routine instead so more people could see, and to give him a proper welcome back.

It took a little longer for everyone to finish up closing, and by that time the evening news was due to debut the Bonnie announcement. It was going to be shown in the morning as well, but the evening anchors were your favorites. So you went to one of the staff break rooms to pull it up on the TV. The animatronics decided to join you, curious about what they would say about Bonnie. They had all gotten comfortable on the couches as you hunted the remote. You found it, and then turned to the group.

"Oh, no. It looks like there is no more room for me to sit. Whatever shall I do?" You stated coyly, blatantly ignoring the many plastic chairs in the room.

"Hmmm, this is quite the conundrum if you ask me." Freddy jumped in, immediately playing along with you.

"If only there was a boyfriend kind enough to lend his very comfortable lap to me. What do you say, stranger? Do you see any boyfriends around here willing to lend a lap?" You asked, sauntering over to the bear who pretended to be deep in thought.

"Well, I mean, my lap is free. But only for my girlfriend." he said, a smile tugging at his mouth.

"Oh, really? This girlfriend of yours must be very lucky to have you, and your cozy looking lap." You said, leaning into his space a little.

"Not as lucky as your boyfriend for having you to sit in his lap." The two of you shared a quick peck before giggling at your antics. Sun gave a loud "Awww" at the display.

"Sheesh! If I knew you guys were going to be this gushy, I would have made sure you stayed oblivious." Roxy said as you got in Freddy's lap. He wrapped his arms around your middle, making you feel very secure.

"Oh don't be like that, Roxy. I think it's very sweet." Chica said, smiling at you.

"Chica is right. It is rather lovely !" Bonnie's pun caused a stained expression to cross many of their faces. Freddy gave a genuine chuckle.

"Ha, right. Anyway, let's pull up the news thing, and see Bonnie's broadcast." Monty said, quickly changing the subject. You took the hint to move on, and pulled up the news channel.

"-and the mayor declared the dog a hero for his deeds." The female anchor, Lauren, said, wrapping up the previous segment.

"I guess you could say it was a ruff job!" The male anchor, Tim, punned. Bonnie gave a loud cheer as Freddy laughed. The other's groaned in pain while you smirked in amusement. Tim's puns were the main reason why you liked this team in particular. The other reason being Lauren's pained reaction to those puns.

"Tim, I swear to god..."

"Coming up, Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex has an old favorite returning to their facilities. More on that after the break." Tim quickly stated before the commercial break came in.

"YES! I'm so glad they have an anchor with a developed funny bone!" Bonnie said, clapping in excitement.

"No! Why do we have to watch THIS one?!" Sun bemoaned, sounding rather pained by the punny news anchor.

"Aw, Sun. I thought you'd find it quite humerous ." Bonnie joked, causing the strained expression to return. Freddy began laughing.

"It really tickled my ribs ." You jumped in, and Freddy lightly squeezed you as he laughed a little harder.

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