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You looked at the bloodied bed sheets in disdain. Of course, of fucking course, you would start on the first night your friends were over. Why wouldn't you? It wasn't like yesterday wasn't already stressful as hell, what with the cockroaches and Dave... Dammit! That meant he was technically right about the PMS! That only served to piss you off more! With an aggravated grunt you ripped the bedsheets off of the bed, which was hard with only one good hand, and stuffed them deep in the hamper. With any luck, no one would notice until you did laundry.

You grabbed some day clothes along with a fresh pair of underwear and headed for the shower to clean yourself off. You removed the bandage that was around your bad wrist and winced at the purple bruise that surrounded it. You took your time in the shower, both to get clean and to prevent any further damage to your wrist. Once you were clean with a fresh pad, you rewrapped your wrist to the best of your ability. It was a shoddy job, but it would work for now.

You threw your soiled underwear and sleeping shorts into the hamper and made your way downstairs. Sun must've had a busy night, because there were more decorations on your walls. You doubted you'd even be able to see them by the time the PizzaPlex reopened.

"Goooooood morning, (Y/N)! You slept in pretty late! You must've been tired. Do you like my decorations?" Sun seemed to be in a good mood this morning. Pushing down the irritation you felt at how your day started, you smiled at him.

"Yeah. You're so creative, Sun." You said making your way to the kitchen where you kept your pain medicine. You could already feel the cramps wracking your lower abdomen.


"Awake at last, Little Lady!"

"I hope you feel better this morning!"

"I'm glad you got the sleep you needed!"

The band members greeted you as you walked by. They had one of your favorite shows pulled up on the PS4. You smiled and waved as you walked by, Sun followed you as he babbled about the different art projects he had in mind.

"Aw, is your wrist still hurting you?" Sun asked when he saw you take your pain medicine.

"Uh, yeah. That's why I'm taking these." To be honest the period cramps hurt more, but you weren't about to explain the menstrual cycle to Sun.

"You want me to rewrap your bandage? It looks like it's about to come undone." You looked down, and sure enough, your shoddy wrapping job was about to come loose.

"Yeah, thanks." You said, holding your hurt wrist out. He gingerly took your wrist, and unwrapped the bandage. You heard him mumble angrily as he saw the bruise and you couldn't help the touched smile. It was nice having people worry about you. Not that you wanted them to worry, but it felt good knowing that you were cared for. While you were in your thoughts, Sun had delicately wrapped your wrist. It felt more secure once he was done.

"Thank you, Sun. That's much better." You said, inspecting his handiwork.

"Anytime, Starshine! Is there anything else you need?" He asked, and you shook your head.

"No. I'm actually about to head to the store. There are some things I need to get." You said, inspecting your kitchen to see if there was anything else you needed to grab while you were at it.

"Do you need me to come with? I can help you carry stuff." Sun suggested. While it was tempting to get help, especially with your wrist, you knew that you'd decline. The whole reason for going to the store was to restock on period supplies. They were extremely low, and needed to be refilled before the day was out. You didn't want to answer the questions that would be brought up.

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