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The birthday party was a fairly average one to say the least. They had a concert to honor the birthday Superstar, Freddy gave them the oversized birthday cake from his stomach hatch while Monty got the piñata set up. The candles were blown out and cake was distributed while presents were being opened. Chica was about to hand out the Party Passes when Freddy finally got a ping from Kevin.

[Kevin: She's crashing, though she's still putting up a fight to grab more caffeine. Albeit weakly, but I don't think she'll fall asleep willingly.]

[Freddy: Her body is exhausted. She won't have a choice once she's in a resting position. Keep the caffeine away from her, and I'll be there in a minute.]

Freddy caught Roxy's eye. They shared a look, and she nodded that she understood. They all knew he was going to have to leave at some point during the party, and they agreed to keep the kiddos distracted while he temporarily snuck away.

Roxy had gotten their attention, and Freddy used that opportunity to sneak over to Rockstar Row so he could use his private elevator down to Parts and Service. They weren't allowed to use the stage elevator outside of shows during work hours, so that was his quickest way to the department.

One quick elevator ride, and he found himself in Parts and Service, surrounded by employees just watching as you feebly attempted to get the cup of coffee out of Thomas' hand. He merely held it aloft as you didn't even try to jump to reach it. You were so tired! Why weren't you allowing yourself the chance to rest? Freddy pushed down his frustrations. There would be plenty of time for that AFTER you had some sleep.

Freddy walked up to the group, and scooped you up into his arms, bridal style. You made a confused noise at him, and he refused to admit that it was adorable.

"Shhhhh. Rest. You need to close your eyes, Sweetheart." he soothed you gently, as if you were a small child. You resisted for a grand total of five seconds before your exhaustion caught up to you, and you passed out cold. Freddy adjusted you, so you'd be more comfortable.

"She's going to nap in my room for the day. Do you think you can handle things without her?" He asked the group.

"Yeah, we got this." Kevin reassured him, and he smiled in relief.

"Thank you, by the way, for keeping caffeine away from her. She desperately needs sleep." Freddy was truly grateful to the department.

"Absolutely. Do you know why she's been neglecting her rest?" Kevin asked.

"No, but I intend to find out." Freddy said, giving you a determined look.

With that, he left Parts and Service, and took you to his room. He laid you down on his couch, and placed a blanket over your form. You were sleeping soundly. Freddy doubted you'd wake for anything short of an emergency. He closed the curtain to his room, and dimmed the lights. With one last worried glance over his shoulder, he left you to slumberland.


The first thing your hazy mind noticed as you slowly returned to the waking world was that the blanket you had wrapped around you was incredibly soft and comfortable. Not as comfortable as the blanket on your bed, but still very comfortable.

The second thing you noticed was that the room you were in was still dark. It made you want to fall back into the blissful unawareness that was sleep, but you resisted. You don't remember when or where you fell asleep, but you were certain you were at work when it happened. Which meant you had to get back to it soon.

With a surprising amount of effort, you cracked open your eyes. You recognized Freddy's green room instantly. That didn't surprise you, Freddy would most likely want you to be comfortable as you slept. He was probably pretty upset with you at the moment, as well. He kept harping you about sleep, and you collapsed at work. You were most likely in for an ear full.

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