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After you tortured your team for a little while longer, you decided to let them get the facilities ready. Activating S.T.A.F.F. bots, Mapbots, Security bots, as well as making sure the machines they used to repair the animatronics were updated and fully online. Then the animatronics needed a quick check-up which you oversaw. It was very forced, but your friends were treated with respect. A team went to check up on the DJ in the West Arcade. You didn't need to supervise since Corporate was pretty much on their asses about the proper upkeep on him anyways. Once that was all over and done with, everyone was free to head home. Because there was so much to do, your department was among the last to leave.

You made a quick stop at Freddy's room before heading out to grab your and Cindy's gifts. You saw that his curtain was closed so you didn't know if he was inside his room or not. You knocked anyway, just to be sure. Seconds later, the door slid open with Freddy on the other side. His ears wiggled in delight when he saw it was you, and you stifled a giggle at how cute it was.

"Superstar! I was wondering if you had forgotten about your gifts!" Freddy said, moving aside to let you in.

"No way! I want to bring my new plushies home, for sure! It just took us a while to get our department ready." You said, looking around for your plushies. They weren't on the table like before. Freddy noticed you looking around, and moved to the couch. He reached behind it, and pulled out a large gift bag that was typically used for big birthday presents.

"I put all of your plushies, plus Cindy's gift, in here. I thought it would be much easier on you, and your still healing wrist." He said, and you glanced at the bandage. In the mad power trip you had taken that day, you had all but forgotten you were injured. In fact, it didn't hurt at all anymore. You could probably do without the bandage tomorrow.

"Thank you, Freddy. You're always so considerate." You said, smiling up at him.

"Anytime." The two of you shared a moment of soft eye contact, and you thought you may have been blushing. You did have a long, exciting day. Maybe that's why?

"So... I guess I can't talk you into staying a bit later tonight?" Freddy asked, rubbing the back of his neck. You deflated a little.

"Sorry, Big Guy. I need to make sure Cindy gets her gift before her bed time. Another time, I promise." You said, Freddy looked upset but understanding at your rejection.

"Okay. Well... I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Freddy said, a small smile on his face. You set the large bag down, and brought the poor guy into a hug. It took him a moment, but he did return it.

"I'm going to miss you tonight." You admitted into his stomach plate.

"I'll miss you too, but like I said, we'll see each other tomorrow." He rubbed soothing circles on your back. You indulged yourself for a moment, before pulling away. You really did need to get Cindy her gift soon, and start your work on Bonnie. The sooner you got home, the sooner that could be done.

"Bye." You said, waving as you grabbed the bag and headed for the door.

"Bye." He waved back, his ears drooping a little at your retreat. Your heart ached at the sight, but you needed to go home.

You forced yourself not to run through the PizzaPlex in your impatience to get home. Now that the workday was over, you were really itching to get started on Bonnie. You waved goodbye to the remaining staff as you headed out the door, and to the parking lot. You placed the large bag in the passenger's seat. You glanced behind you into the back of your van. They had placed a tarp over Bonnie, and a box that wasn't there previously now resided next to him. You guessed it contained all his smaller pieces.

You shook your head, and turned back to the steering wheel. You started your van, and pulled out of the parking lot. You wanted to speed through town, but you also knew that the cops had been getting a little cute with their speed traps of late. So you begrudgingly forced yourself to go the speed limit. You were rewarded for your patience, because you passed no less than five cop cars on your way home. Did they really have nothing better to do?

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