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Freddy waved at the last group of Superstars through his green room window. It was officially time for the meet and greet to be over, which meant that it was time for their mandated charging. Honestly, they could go for quite a few more hours on the charge they had, but Corporate was so worried about one of them powering down in front of guests that they were required to charge way before they got to that point.

As his gaze followed the Superstars and their parents, he noticed Chica was out and talking to one of the security guards. She had a severe expression on her face as they talked, and he felt a little worried. She would only be talking to a security guard during mandated charge time if it was serious, and the fact that she was doing so in a non-jovial way only served to further concern him. He waited for the conversion to be over before he pinged her.

[Freddy: Are you okay, Chica? Why were you talking to that security lady?]

She turned to him, and shook her head.

[Chica: I'll tell everyone in the group ping in a minute.]

And with that, Freddy moved to his charge station and impatiently waited for Chica to start things up. It wasn't uncommon to have a group ping discussion when charging, usually initiated by Monty or Roxy as they got bored in the charging tubes easily. He didn't have to wait too long, thankfully.

[Chica: Guys, I just heard some gossip...] Her tone was hesitant, like she wasn't entirely sure if she should be saying any of this.

[Roxy: Normally I'd say "no", but even gossip is better than looking at a brick wall through the charging tube window.]

[Chica: It's gossip involving (Y/N)...]

Freddy felt the others become concerned through their shared link, but it was a minor afterthought compared to the worry he felt. Gossip stories about employees were rarely ever good. He hoped beyond hope that you were okay, and that whatever gossip that had reached them was nothing more than lies.

[Monty: Don't leave us in suspense! Tell us what is going on with our friend!]

[Chica: So keep in mind that gossip is waaaaayyyyy exaggerated in nature, so I doubt most of what's said. But all gossip DOES have a nugget of truth to it, even the most outlandish rumors.]

[Freddy: Please, just tell us what it is.] Normally he'd just wait Chica out, but he was getting impatient because you were involved.

[Chica: Apparently, (Y/N) had a crush on one of the male security guards, and was rejected when she went to confess this morning. The rumors said she was crying in the closet, and had been a weepy mess since then, but I doubt that part since it sounds nothing like her.]

Freddy was surprised by the amount of anger he felt towards that security guard. He had the honor of winning your affections, and he dared to turn you down? You must be heartbroken to have an unrequited love. He wanted nothing more than to go up to that security guard and-

[Monty: Calm down, Fredbear! I can feel your jealousy all the way over here!]

[Freddy: Who? Who would dare hurt her?] He was taken aback by the cold tone in his words, but also found himself not caring enough to try and feel bad about it.

[Chica: It was Adam.]

Freddy quickly looked him up on the Fazbear database. He was 26, 5'11", worked day shifts, and had been with the company for about five years. He all but glared at the photo of him he had pulled up. He wanted to make the guy feel pain, but also knew that you wouldn't appreciate it if he started attacking the people who mistreated you. After all, most if not all of Parts and Service would be in the hospital if he did so. No, you could handle your detractors easily enough. And even though he wanted to so badly, he'd deny himself the pleasure. It was far more important that you were comforted by your friends, than it was to make Adam suffer for his rejection. That didn't mean he had to like the guy. In fact, Freddy was going to make a point to stare him down every chance he got.

[Roxy: You good, Freddy? Your emotions are pretty intense right now.]

[Freddy: We need to make sure she's okay. Does anyone have any plans?]

[Chica: Other than being there for her? I don't think there is much else we CAN do...]

Freddy wracked his mind for a way to make you feel appreciated. If he couldn't hurt Adam, the very least he could do was make you feel like the queen you were. And he'd do it in front of Adam if given the chance. Just to show him how you were supposed to be treated! Freddy all but ignored the pings from the others as he went into deep though.


Adam made his way out of the security footage database room. His break was over so he had to get back to his station. Like he thought, there was only so much he could get for you in a day, and the process would require several. Five days at minimum, he surmised. He stuffed the notepad and flash drive into his inside jacket pocket, and rounded the corner.

"Well, well! If it isn't the man of the hour, himself." came Dave's sarcastic drenched tone. He was standing in the middle of the hallway, arms crossed as he glared at Adam.

"What?" Adam was honestly confused by this sudden appearance. Last time he checked, he and Dave never shared a word together. The security team DID have instructions from HR to make sure he stayed away from you, but that was about the extent of their history together.

"Don't play dumb with me! Everyone is talking about it..." Dave narrowed his eyes.

"Talking about wha-" that's when he remembered that morning, and sighed heavily. "God dammit, Debbie." he hissed under his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I want to make something perfectly clear: (Y/N) is MINE! BACK OFF!" He snarled, and Adam squared his shoulders. Now he understood why HR gave that order... Dave, the perv, had decided you would be the hill he died on, and quadrupled down on getting you.

"She's her own person, and doesn't belong to anyone." he said, narrowing his eyes at the little mutant. Dave only seemed more angered by that.

"That's rich, coming from the guy who rejected her." Dave threw his hands to his sides, looking ready to throw down at a moment's notice. Adam was ready for him if he tried. After all, he man-handled that 6'2" creep who was hanging out too close to the daycare about a month ago. Dave was nothing compared to him.

"She never felt anything for me to begin with. Debbie was reading into something that wasn't there." Adam hoped the truth would get through to him.

"You don't know her! She's probably fantasizing about you right now, you smug prick!" Dave's fists tightened, and then loosened as a deranged smile overtook his features.

"But that is okay. I'll let he wallow in her confused state. It shouldn't take too long for her to realize that I'm the man of her dreams, and then she'll be all mine." The look on his face made Adam's skin crawl, and that took quite a lot to do after being security for a place that attracted creepy old men like flies.

"The entire security team has orders from HR to keep you far away from (Y/N). You aren't getting anywhere near her." he warned, and Dave's chilling smile didn't falter. In fact, it only got more creepy.

"That's okay. I know how to get through to her." he said, and ominously turned around before heading off to who knows where. Adam stood there, and waited for him to get out of sight before he grabbed the walkie-talkie on his belt.

"This is Adam. Keep a close eye on Dave. He seems... off." he said, before he started to make his way towards his station.

He would pass by Jamie from Glamrock Gifts on the way, and he would tell her to spread the word amongst the Trustworthies as well. He didn't know what Dave had planned, but as long as you were at work, you would be left alone. He would make sure of it.

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