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You had been checking your office on again and off again all morning in the hopes that you'd catch sight of the elusive Head Technician. Each time you came into an empty office, you'd get more and more frustrated with your coworker. When you asked the others about it, they shrugged their shoulders and said "he'll be here eventually" which really wasn't all that helpful. Finally, right around your lunch break, he showed up.

You stood in the doorway, just drinking in what you were about to engage with. Lazy Gary looked every bit like his name implied. He wore grungy casual clothes instead of the mandated uniform every Parts and Service worker had to wear. He both looked and smelled like he hadn't showered in days, and was currently stuffing his face with candy as he watched anime on the company's computer. You folded your arms and gave an expression that all mothers had when disciplining their unruly children.

"Ahem!" You said loudly, trying to catch his attention.

"Doris ain't here. Come back later." he said, not even bothering to look your way.

"Doris retired. I'm the new Head Mechanic." Your announcement actually got him to pause his show and turn to you. The look on his face was a mixture of surprise and dread.

"She did? You are? Awwwww! Does that mean I actually have to work now?" He whined like the many children that flooded the PizzaPlex.

"Weren't you here a few days ago? Mr. Selik made a huge announcement about it. Also, you didn't work before?" You raised an eyebrow at him, mostly for show. You had all but guessed as much just from his attitude, and behavior.

"I was here. Just didn't go to that stupid meeting. Instead I hung out here and binged Mirai Nikki. Wanted to see what all the hype about Yuno was. Also, Doris and I had a bit of an agreement going on. I would stay out of her way, and let her run both departments as she saw fit. In return, I get paid a manager's paycheck for goofing off." He admitted, not quite meeting your gaze.

"I see." You rubbed your temple with your fingers. You had no idea how to go about this. Your fellow Department Head was a manchild who probably didn't know what his job was supposed to be.

"I can do the same for you, you know? Stay out of your way, and let you do your thing? I won't say a word to anyone about what you do, no matter how sketchy it looks. Please, just don't uproot me from this position! I've never had such a sweet set-up before!" He begged while giving you a look that you assumed was supposed to be the "wide-eyed puppy dog" expression all kids seemed to be masters at. It only served to make him look constipated, therefore leaving you severely underwhelmed. You also took note about the "sketchy" comment. Just what exactly was Doris doing in this department?

"Do you even know the first thing about being a technician?" You asked, and he wilted a little at your gaze.

"I know how to reboot a computer." he said, giving you a hopeful smile. You facepalmed at that. This guy was not fit for the position he found himself in.


"I know this looks and sounds bad, but PLEASE! I NEED this! I'll do ANYTHING to keep this job, just don't tell the boss! PLEASE!" he actually got on his knees as he begged you. Did he not have any self-respect at all?

"Stand up, dude! You're embarrassing yourself." You said, and he immediately jumped to his feet in a mimic of how soldiers stood in attention for their superiors.

"Yes, ma'am!" he said, and you felt an eye twitch.

"Are you taking this seriously? At all?" You threw your hands up in exasperation.

"I'm trying to, but I don't know what you want from me!" he said, looking quite stressed out. You groaned into your hands. It was clear this guy didn't know how to interact with others.

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