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When Jenson heard about the incident, he wasted no time and immediately made his way to the hospital to offer his support. It was admirable how he prioritized being there for his friend in her time of need. Even though he was aware that informing Emily and Taylor could potentially lead to more drama, he believed it was essential for Taylor to be aware of the situation.

He sat in the waiting room — waiting to hear what the doctors or anyone had to say. Rosemary's parents weren't there and neither was her brother. Jenson thought it was weird but at the same time he didn't. Rosemary's parents had jobs to do and Ricky had school that he needed to attend. Jenson understood why he wouldn't be there.

But Rosemary needed someone there with her. She couldn't just be there all by herself and trying to get through whatever happened — as far as he knew. Jenson started to feel like it was his fault. Maybe his and Emily's plan to set Rosemary and Taylor up was a dumb idea. Maybe if Jenson would have just shut his mouth, known of this would have happened and he would still have his solid friendship.

"Ms.Sage-Marlowe would see you now."

Jenson looked up to find the nurse talking to him. He quickly nodded before he got up and walked after the nurse. When he got to the room he saw Rosemary's short hair brushed behind her ear and she held a cup of applesauce in one hand and the remote in another.

Rosemary immediately smiled once she saw her best friend. That settled a the storm that was forming inside of Jenson's heart. He sighed before stepping into the room after the nurse and walking over towards the bed. He hesitated before reaching out to hug Rosemary. The hug wasn't long. Or maybe it was. Jenson didn't know. The hug ended too fast for his liking.

"I'll leave you two alone. Call me if you need me." The nurse said before closing the door and leaving the two behind.

"How's everything?" Rosemary asked, placing down her apple sauce, "I haven't seen you in a bit. Well, at least not us alone â€" just the two of us."

"Yeah, I didn't want to get you in trouble with your mom or anyone else. I wanted to stay a respectable distance until you were ready." Jenson said, looking down at the ground.

Rosemary didn't know exactly what he meant but she didn't push it either. She simply nodded before turning over towards the tv and smiling at one of the images on the tv. When Jenson looked up he saw her smiling and he then moved his gaze towards the screen.

He immediately smiled after realizing what she had been watching. It was their favorite movie ever since they had been just children in the sandbox.

"You know, I missed you." Rosemary spoke up, regaining her applesauce and taking in a spoonful of it. "Felt like I was dying and all I wanted was my best friend."

Jenson felt guilty. He didn't know why. He wasn't the reason why they weren't close anymore. In fact he tried everything in his power to get them to be friends again. Yet, everything he did failed.

Maybe he felt guilty because he hated seeing his best friend like that. He hated hearing those words even leave out of Rosemary's mouth. It was like a chanting sound over and over.

Or maybe he felt guilty because he wasn't. Maybe he was guilty because he'd known all along the type of things that would happen to Rosemary and he didn't speak up because he didn't have a voice to. Maybe —

"I'm here because my mom has officially kicked my father and I out because she caught Taylor and I kissing and my father was okay with it. My mom thinks I'm disgusting and she hates me. She doesn't even want to be my mom anymore because I'm such a fucking disappointment." Rosemary said, still looking up at the tv.

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now