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Taylor's gaze remained fixated on her phone throughout the day, her eyes darting to the clock incessantly. It seemed as if time had lost all significance to her, for she was consumed by an overwhelming anticipation. The lessons taught in class and the conversations shared with her friends became mere background noise, fading into insignificance.

Her mind was solely preoccupied with the singular goal of reaching the end of the day, like a marathon runner nearing the finish line, driven by an unwavering determination. Every passing minute felt like an eternity, as if time itself had conspired against her. The world around her seemed to fade into a blur, her senses dulled by the singular focus of her thoughts.

But as soon as the last bell was heard — the thought of practice was far gone from Taylor's mind. She left the school and got into her car. She then drove off without another doubt and she was in front of her house in matter of seconds. Her eyes traveled over to Rosemary's house as she smiled before taking the keys out of the car.

She got out of the car and walked into her house. The minute she got in there, she locked the door back behind her and ran upstairs to her room, picking out something for her to wear for the rest of that day. She then walked into the bathroom and she started her shower, starting her normal routine.

When she finally finished her routine, she checked the time and realized it was already around 4:30 in the afternoon. The thought of spending some time with Rosemary crossed her mind, and she eagerly wanted to give her a call. She wanted to invite Rosemary over to her place.

However, a little voice in her head reminded her that Rosemary didn't have her phone at the moment. It meant that she couldn't simply call or text her friend. She pondered for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to get in touch with Rosemary.

Then, a solution struck her. She decided that she would have to go over to Rosemary's place instead. It might take a bit more effort seeing as she had the chances of running into someone that she didn't want to see at all but she didn't want to let the lack of a phone stop them from hanging out. She knew how much she enjoyed Rosemary's company, and she already planned on spending that day with her.

Taylor, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity, took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. With a sense of anticipation, she rushed down the stairs, her footsteps echoing through the house. As she reached the door, she could hardly contain her excitement.

With a quick twist of the doorknob, Taylor swung the door open, and to her surprise, there stood Rosemary, holding two adorable teddy bears and a box of tissues in her hand. Taylor's eyes widened in astonishment, her heart warming at the sight of her friend. Rosemary, with a grin on her face, raised one of the teddy bears in her hands, as if presenting it as a surprise gift. Taylor couldn't help but burst into a delighted laughter, her eyes sparkling with joy.

With a beaming smile, Taylor reciprocated Rosemary's smile, feeling a rush of warmth and gratitude. She reached out to hug Rosemary tightly.

"I was trying to knock for the last 5 minutes but my hands are full." Rosemary said, walking up to Taylor.

As Taylor looked up at Rosemary, she couldn't help but feel the gentle lines around her eyes, evidence of a life filled with laughter and wisdom. There was a certain serenity in Rosemary's expression, as if the weight of the world had momentarily lifted from her shoulders.

Taylor's gaze shifted to Rosemary's chest, rising and falling with each breath. It was a subtle movement, yet it spoke volumes about the depth of her emotions in that moment. With parted lips, Rosemary's breath escaped in a soft, almost imperceptible sigh. It was a momentary pause, a brief interlude in the conversation that allowed the unspoken words to hang in the air.

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