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School. The best thing in the world for Rosemary. Not a single thought could creep into her mind and tell her otherwise. It was her escape — just like reading was. Except her mother threw away all of her books and she couldn't exactly just read inside her room. It made her feel uncomfortable.

And what else was uncomfortable was sitting in the lounge at 7 a.m. Well, it was uncomfortable for Rosemary. But not because she was sitting there. She loved sitting there. It was because it was only 7 in the morning and she had to deal with the screams and eyes on her.

Her brother rushed in 20 minutes after she arrived and slammed Crimson's head onto the table in front of Rosemary. She moved the library book she had gotten earlier, looked down at Crimson, and then glanced up at her brother.

"Say sorry, you dick," Ricky said, still pressing Crimson's head down to the table.

Crimson desperately struggled to resist the overwhelming pressure, feeling the weight of the countless eyes fixed upon him in the bustling lounge. The room was packed with onlookers, their eager gazes fueled by the allure of the unfolding drama.

As if that wasn't enough, some even had their phones out, capturing every moment for the world to see. Frustration etched across his face, Crimson scoffed, his eyes briefly meeting Rosemary's before rolling in exasperation.

"It was just a misunderstanding-"

Ricky raised his head just to slam crimson back down against the table, "Say fucking sorry."

Crimson groaned as Rosemary still sat there, now squinting her eyes. She had glanced between the two repeatedly. She even slouched down in her chair, trying to avoid everyone's eyes.

          "I'm fucking sorry, alright? Can you get the hell off of me now?" Crimson asked,

          "Do you accept his apology?" Ricky asked, looking over at Rosemary.

Rosemary froze. She had no clue what to do. She looked around the room and saw everyone staring and waiting for her answer. She then looked behind them and saw Taylor and Emily walking in. They were looking around and most likely trying to understand what was happening around them.

Ricky then cleared his throat, regaining Rosemary's attention as she just nodded her head and looked down at the book in her hands as she ran her fingers around the edges countless times.

Soon, Ricky let go of Crimson's head and pushed him back as Crimson scoffed and looked between the two. He then turned around and walked out of the lounge, pushing past Taylor as she watched him walk off and then look back over at Rosemary.

Everyone got quiet as the principal walked in. With a stern expression, he cast a piercing gaze at Rosemary and Ricky, his hands planted firmly on his hips, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Everyone clear the lounge and make your way to your classes." The principal said, looking over at Ricky, "And you. My office."

Ricky scoffed before turning around and facing Rosemary, he clenched his jaw and shook his head.

"Next time you let someone bully you, and not tell me, I'm going to beat your ass." Ricky blurted out before turning around and rushing out of the room.

Everyone then started to pack their things and made their way out of the lounge. Rosemary got up and grabbed her things before she rushed out of the room.

As Rosemary sat in her first-period class, she couldn't help but be taken back from the lesson. For the first time in her life, she didn't care about the subject, the teacher, or the work. The only thing she cared most about was overthinking what had happened in the lounge.

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now