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The following Saturday morning arrived, and Rosemary found herself in a state of utter cluelessness. With no pending tasks or assignments to occupy her mind, she felt adrift. Having completed her project with Taylor the previous night and finished all her homework well in advance, she was left with a void in her schedule. The thought of hanging out with Jenson crossed her mind, but she knew that convincing her mother would require a significant amount of pleading, and that prospect didn't sit well with her at all.

As Rosemary rose from her slumber, she glanced around her room, finding it virtually unchanged since she last saw it. With a sense of determination, she stepped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Without hesitation, she splashed cool water on her face, feeling the refreshing sensation awaken her senses. Next, she diligently brushed her teeth, ensuring every corner of her mouth was clean.

Once Rosemary finished her morning routine, she gently rubbed her eyes to shake off any lingering drowsiness. As she descended the stairs, she couldn't help but notice her brother comfortably seated on the couch, accompanied by Erin and Crimson.

Letting out a small sigh, she rolled her eyes in response to their presence before swiftly changing direction. Determined to avoid any unnecessary interactions, she made her way into the kitchen. With a quick reach onto the fridge, she grabbed a box of cereal.

As Rosemary filled her bowl with cereal, she reached for the milk, ensuring she had everything she needed for a satisfying breakfast. Carrying her bowl and milk, she made her way to the dining room and took a seat at the table. The sound of the bell ringing in the distance caught her attention momentarily, but she chose to stay focused on her cereal.

Soon she took a spoonful of her cereal and she hummed at the taste. Her spoon circled the bowl as she took another spoonful of cereal and biting down on it. She only looked up when she heard the sound of the TV playing in the back and even the sound of her brother and his friends.

"Where's your sister?"

Rosemary's hand trembled slightly as she paused, the spoon clattering back into the bowl. That voice... it echoed through her mind, a haunting familiarity that had become all too frequent in recent days.

Soon she heard her brother's muffled voice again and then the sound of footsteps trailing up to her. She sighed before looking up and seeing Taylor walk into the kitchen. Taylor then looked around until she spotted Rosemary and smiled.

Taylor gracefully entered the dining room. With quiet confidence, she took a seat at the table, positioning herself right beside Rosemary, who appeared to be squinting her eyes at her.

"Hi," Taylor said, glancing over at the cereal. "We were just about to go get breakfast and then head over to practice in an hour. I was wondering if you'd like to come... but I see you're already eating."

Rosemary picked up another spoonful of cereal. She took a bite as she just stared at Taylor, with her eyes still squinted. She had not a word to say and she didn't even know how she was feeling at that moment, but she did know that she wanted to stare at Taylor. Something about it felt right, she couldn't shake the thought.

Taylor scratched the back of her head before hearing the sound of footsteps trail up behind her. She then turned around, seeing Crimson. He grinned as he walked over to the two and smiled at Rosemary, making her turn her face away. He then leaned down and gripped Taylor's face between his hands and he kissed her, roughly. The kiss was short and simple, however, Rosemary couldn't help but shake her head.

"Okay, babe, the guys and I are leaving soon and we can't just stick around and wait for you. When men are hungry — they're hungry." He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now