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Rosemary usually preferred to avoid the cafeteria because of the loud noises and the need for some peace while eating. It gave her the opportunity to have some quiet moments to herself and let her thoughts wander.

But on that particular day, things were different. Jenson, being the persuasive friend he is, managed to convince her to step out of her usual routine and join him in the bustling cafeteria. Little did Rosemary know, Jenson had his sights set on another cheerleader, and he wanted Rosemary by his side to help him out.

Rosemary continuously picked at her food with her fork, her gaze fixated on her plate, contemplating whether she even wanted to eat what was cooked. The mere act of sitting there was dampening her mood. However, amidst the cacophony of noise around her, she glanced up and caught sight of Jenson's moving mouth. But with her focus consumed by the overwhelming noise, it was as if she couldn't hear anything he was saying.

Eventually, Jenson waved his hand in front of her face, trying to catch her attention as she cleared her throat and sat up. She then glanced behind Jenson, seeing the athletic table with both the cheerleaders and football players all sitting there. From where Rosemary sat, she could see Taylor sitting on top of Crimson's lap, laughing at something Emily had seemed to say.

          "I think that I need to just go out with Taylor." Jenson said, "Or at least I should try and ask her out. I mean, Crimson might say something but I'm tired of living in a shell and being scared of that dickhead."

Rosemary reverted her gaze to Jenson before looking down and clearing her throat. She then forced herself to bite down on the food that filled her spoon, even though she knew she didn't want to eat it at all.

She just nodded, stuffing her mouth with food so that Jenson wouldn't expect her to say anything. And he didn't. He just sat there, ranting on and on about how it would be perfect if he tried to go after Taylor. It wasn't until Jenson got up that Rosemary realized he was heading over to the table.

          "Jenson-" Rosemary called as her words caught in her throat.

Rosemary watched as he walked over there and over to the group. She watched as Taylor's eyes glanced over at her as soon as Jenson walked into her presence and Rosemary watched as Crimson smirked, tilting his head as he watched Jenson.

There were many times that she wanted to get up and go over there and tell Jenson that he was just making a fool of himself. She knew how they could get and it didn't help any better knowing the fact that he was going over there to flirt with Taylor of all cheerleaders. Not that she cared or anything but it just didn't feel right to her.

After a while, Rosemary noticed Jenson approaching the table, a warm smile gracing his face. As he settled into his seat, his gaze fixed on the apple resting on Rosemary's tray. Without hesitation, he reached over and plucked it, taking a satisfying bite. Rosemary squinted her eyes, a playful glint dancing within them, before she cleared her throat, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

          "So, I just got us front row tickets to tonight's game. When we get there, I can catch Taylor alone and boom, convince her to leave her boyfriend. Which should be easy judging by the fact that I'm like...super attractive-"

          "Crimson's her boyfriend?" Rosemary asked as Jenson nodded, "But he treats her so bad and she's so...nice? From what I've seen at least. Unless she's just putting on an act."

          "That's what good girls like, I guess. All I have to do is become some type of rebel and they'll think it's hot and I'll win over both Taylor and Emily." Jenson said, running his fingers through his hair. "Not that I would go for them both and after the way Emily treated me, I'm definitely not going to go back to her. But just the thought. It feels good."

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now