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[4 hours before]

Rosemary's father gently adjusted the collar of the suit he had given her, a gesture filled with care and pride. As Rosemary gazed at her reflection in the mirror, a wave of emotions washed over her. It was a transformative moment, a rare instance where she felt truly like herself after what seemed like an eternity. The suit draped elegantly on her frame, accentuating her features and giving her a newfound sense of confidence that she had never experienced before.

In that moment, she realized the power that clothing could hold, how it could shape not just her outward appearance but also her inner self-assurance. If she had known the impact a simple garment could have on her spirit, she would have been pleading with her parents for it long ago, understanding now the profound effect it could have on her sense of self-worth and identity.

The reflection staring back at her seemed to radiate a newfound strength and poise, a visual representation of the inner transformation taking place within her. She loved this look. Most importantly, she loved her father for giving it to her. She couldn't believe she didn't see it before, but her father was actually really understanding. And even super nice.

She found herself realizing that the only reason she even considered him as mean was because of her mother. But it wasn't him at all. She started to feel bad.

"You know your mother is going to be back tonight. She's going to be back early so that means I want you home before she's here so we can get rid of that suit and we can pretend you were at home all day." He said,

He paused in adjusting the suit and tenderly brushed a few stray strands of hair away from his daughter's face, a gesture filled with love and warmth. Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, a silent reassurance of his affection and pride in her. As he straightened up, a soft smile graced his features, a mix of fondness and contentment evident in his expression.

          "And Rosemary if you're comfortable with dressing like this, I'm okay with it. Your mom might have some trouble with it but I promise that I can convince her to be-"

           "Thanks Dad," Rosemary said, bringing him into a hug. "I love you."

His smile widened even further as he tenderly placed his hand against her head, a gesture filled with paternal affection and pride. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to fully immerse in the moment, savoring the precious bond between father and daughter that enveloped them both.

In that serene moment, he felt his heart swell with a profound sense of love and gratitude, a feeling that seemed to make time stand still. The warmth of the moment wrapped around them like a comforting embrace, creating a memory that would forever be etched in their hearts.

As he held her close, he felt a deep sense of peace settle within him, a moment of pure, unfiltered joy that made his heart feel light and full all at once.

           "I love you too, sweet pea." He muttered,

Although Rosemary wasn't saying thank you to what he thought she was, she still knew he needed to hear that. She knew what he was trying to say but she didn't want to hear about it nor did she want to talk about it.

So, when the bell rung, Rosemary pull away. She was happy that the bell had saved her from the moment because she knew if she stood there any longer she would start crying and if she started crying she would have to talk about her feelings. That's not something she wanted to participate in. Not that moment, not that night, not ever.

Taylor stood on the other side of the door, a vision in the red glittery dress that Ricky had mentioned. The fabric hugged her figure like a second skin, accentuating curves that Rosemary had never noticed before. Every movement she made seemed to showcase a newfound confidence and grace, revealing a side of Taylor that Rosemary had yet to see.

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now