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Rosemary plopped down on her bed, feeling a mix of relief and restlessness after completing all her homework for the week and even the upcoming week. She let out a sigh, her mind searching for something to occupy her time. Her gaze wandered over to the dormant TV in the corner of her room, collecting dust from months of neglect.

With a thoughtful hum, she sat up straight and took a deep breath, realizing that resorting to watching TV must mean she was truly desperate for something to do. The idea of indulging in some mindless entertainment seemed tempting, but deep down, she'd die of boredom if she didn't.

Just as Rosemary was about to reach for the TV remote, the booming sound of her brother's music echoed through the house. The bass thumped loudly, indicating that he had hooked up his speaker and his friends were likely gathered downstairs. Rosemary let out a frustrated groan, realizing that any hope of a quiet and peaceful moment was dashed.

Determined to find solace in her own world, she walked over to her dresser with a determined stride. Opening the drawer, she retrieved her headphones and gently placed them over her ears. The familiar sensation of music enveloping her senses brought a sense of calm and escape.

After putting on her headphones, she settled into her rolling chair, leaning back and closing her eyes. As her favorite songs played on repeat, she pondered her options for what to do next. She had already checked off the essentials like taking a shower, completing her homework, and even rereading her favorite book for what felt like the hundredth time.

After a while, boredom started creeping in. She hit pause on her playlist and carefully stashed her phone in her back pocket. With a determined look on her face, she rose from her comfy chair and made her way out of her room.

As Rosemary cautiously made her way along the railing of the stairs, her eyes caught sight of her brother's rowdy gang of friends lounging on the couch downstairs. Letting out a heavy sigh, she continued her descent, purposefully averting her gaze from the living room. She knew that wasn't her intended destination. With a determined stride, she entered the kitchen, her mind set on a different mission. She went into her kitchen's pantry and she grabbed herself a snack.

With her snacks in hand, Rosemary reached for a small water bottle to quench her thirst before making her way back towards the stairs. Determined to maintain her focus, she kept her gaze fixed on the steps, avoiding any distractions. However, as she glanced up, a strange sensation washed over her. Curiosity piqued, she couldn't help but look in that direction. And there, standing across the room, was a figure staring directly at her.


Rosemary quickly averted her gaze, feeling a sense of uneasiness, and continued her ascent up the stairs. As she reached the end of the hallway and approached her room, a faint sound of footsteps echoed behind her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, but she pushed aside whatever she felt and focused on reaching the silence of her room.

With a swift motion, she swung open the door and kicked it shut behind her, creating a barrier between herself and her brother's friends outside. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she placed her snacks and water bottle on her desk, seeking solace in the familiarity of her own space.

As Rosemary heard a knock on the door, a glimmer of Curiosity flickered within her. She couldn't help but think it might be her mischievous brother, probably going to lecture her about her appearance a few seconds ago.

With a sigh of resignation, she made her way towards the door, preparing herself for another one of his antics. Opening the door with a mixture of anticipation and annoyance, she braced herself for the familiar sight of her brother's mischievous grin. However, to her surprise, it wasn't her brother standing there. Instead, she found herself face to face with the last person she thought she would. Taylor.

And so we kissedWhere stories live. Discover now