War for Easter- season 2 finale

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the light faded and the remaining rangers found themselves in the desert face to face with An army of drones. "Welcome Rangers to the end!" boomed Pitch from the top of a cliff. "All your fighting has been for nothing and yet you are here to stand against me. Very well stand and bare witness to your end!,' he said. He then raised his hands and tore at the sky causing it to blacken with storm clouds as a small vortex opened.

Scott stared at the sky and drew his morpher and gritted his teeth at the army before him, and said, "No matter what we keep fighting!." "Ok guys all or nothing lets ranger up!,"

"Guardians unleashed," the four yelled as they morphed into their ranger forms.

The battle field became with a fog of smoke and dust as the rangers did battle with Pitch's forces. The rangers fought their way to the base of the cliff and now faced bigger herd of drones. Mick and Nadira were standing back to back fighting. While Scott and Cyra did the same. " Screw this. Rifle mode," Cyra said shifting her weapon into a high powered laser "Scatter shot!," she said firing a blast that destroyed the a large amount of drones,

"Nice shot Cyra ah," Nadira said falling back against Mick grabbing her side.

"Nadira!," Mick said looking at the blood seeping from the wound.

"Its just a scratch go. Go get Pitch," Nadira said standing on her own feet.

"Yes go get Pitch if you get by us," Night said as she and the rest of the dark guard appeared. "Do you really think you stand a chance against the five of us," he said

"The question is can you handle the six of us," Eric said as he and the other Timeforce rangers appeared.

"Lets dance," Mare said as the dark guard began to charge.

"Santa finish this!," Eric said.

" Right!" Santa said as the holiday Rangers left the dark guard to Timefroce.

Moments later the four stood on the cliff with their weapons drawn face to face with Pitch and the swirling black vortex behind him. "You miserable ants you think you can stop me," Pitch said as he drew his sword

"Its over Pitch!," Santa said as he and the others channeled their energy into their weapons.

"If it's over let it end with the death of power rangers!," Pitch said and with that the four charged each other the impact of which sounded like a thunder clap.

Meanwhile on the ground Timeforce was locked in a biter grudge match with Pitch's forces Jen was doing her best against Panik, but the vilaness was quickly getting the best of the pink ranger, "Ah!" Jen screamed as strike from Panik's war hammer knocked her to the ground .

"Look what has become of the mighty Timeforce Pink ," Panik said stomping on her ribs " A weak human whore," she said again stomping her. "I will enjoy caving in your skull," Panik said raising her hammer. She looked down at Jen. Before she could react Wes's chrono Sabre severed her arm and Jen had her head sciscorred between her legs.

"One last thing, I'm not weak bitch!" Jen said breaking Panik's neck with her legs.

"You done," Eric asked.

Atop the cliff Pitch looked at the four downed rangers their morphs flickering in and out. They had each given all they had but every attack had failed. "Pathetic!" Pitch said driving his sword into Mick's back making him scream. "Useless!," he said grinding his boot into Nadira's hand crushing the bones, kicked Cyra in the ribs. "Weak! He said, kicking Santa in the head "You most of all the noble leader how does I feel to know failed," he said kicking Scott again. " Now who should you watch die first I know Nadira"

As Pitch drew his sword over head to end Nadira's life Santa felt himself draw on all the rage fear, and hope a as he got to his feet and his entire body beagan to glow. "NO! NO MORE!" he boomed aiming his sword at Pitch.

"WHAT!" Pitch screamed awe struck.

"CHRISTMAS FURY!" Santa screamed as he brought the blade of his sword down in a blinding hail of light. When the light cleared all that remained of Pitch was a pile of ash and the charred remains of his armor. "Its over," Santa said as he helped Nadira to her feet, Mick helped Cyra. Just then the winds from the vortex raged and thunder roared from the sky.

"Not yet!," Cyra said.

"What's going on!" Santa asked.

"It's the propechy one of us has to sacrifice ourself go in there and seal things up," Nadira said. She the looked at the Vortex and powered down before looking back at Santa. "Bye Scott tell Joe that I love him!"

Scott instantly powered down and grabbed her arm, "No way I'm team leader I'm going!"

"Neither damn one of you are going, I am!," Alex said limping towards the vortex placing shocked looks on the rangers faces. "Don't look so shocked I'm we all know I'm wasn't surviving much longer," Alex said tossing Santa her morpher. She then looked them both and threw herself into the vortex and what followed was blast of light that coverd the desert.

When the light cleared the rest the team stood in a field of ash as they watched. When seeing only four rangers return, Harper dropped to her knees sobbing, all rangers demorphed and looked down. All had sad faces knowing they had just lost one of their own.

The War for Easter was won but at what cost.

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