Season's Beatings

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Nadira's arrival hadn't been the smoothest, "Ah I should have known you would be involved", a kindly and familiar voice called out. It took her a few moments to recognise where she was, Nadira had landed in Santa's office in his workshop.

Nadira slowly got to her feet. She looked over and saw Scott Calvin aka Santa Claus sitting behind his desk. He gave her a small smile, "Sit down please", he continued, "we have got a lot to talk about".

Cautiously the mutant took a seat and waited for the old man to speak, "Before I explain, I need to give you a history lesson", Santa began, "have you heard of the Krampus?"

Nadira shook her head, "I thought not", Santa continued, "it's a fascinating story but as time is for the essence I will give you the short version". He leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath, "Six thousand years ago there was a tribe. They used a rudimentary yet powerful form of magic known as Chi which is believed to be some kind of link to the Morphin Grid".

"I thought Chi was just a myth", Nadira asked, "ancient superstitions".

"To be fair some would say time travel is a myth" Santa smiled, "For reasons that have been lost to history, the Krampus attacked the tribe and threatened to destroy them. That was until warriors with incredible Chi power defeated the Krampus and sealed them away". Santa paused for a moment.

"Sorry to interrupt" Nadira began, "but what does this have to do with me?"

Santa chuckled, "So eager to get to the point". Santa paused for a moment, "I have battles Krampus on numerous occasions"

Nadira looked nervously for a moment, "Your not strong enough alone even with your ranger powers?" She asked.

"I don't know for certain but all the information I have draws me towards that conclusion", Santa sighed.

" You're asking me to help you Sir?" Nadira asked.

A broad smile appeared on Santa's face and he broke out into laughter, "Yes Miss Nadira" Santa replied. "You have been trusted with a great responsibility, I trust that you will not misuse your new powers". He stood up and walked towards the door, "We will go thtough this later we have a quick trip first".

Santa and Nadira shuffled out of the office, They soon appeared in Angel grove, right in front of a familiar robot looking ranger.

"What are you doing?" Santa asked.

"Oh Santa", Robot knight began, he turned " I was looking for my friends". Robot knight said.

"I get that", Nadira replied,

"My friend its been fifth teen years since they saw you last, I dont think they're in Angel Grove anymore" Santa replied. Robo Knight didn't get to say his response though as the Time Force Black and SPD B squad appeared in the park and surrounded the group.

"Man who are these guys?", Robo knight said confused.

"Robo knight Get out of here", Nadira cried, "you don't know what you're dealing with".

"But we do", Santa said..

"Yeah cause that worked out well last time", Time force black shot back. She instantly regretted it, "I'm sorry, Nadira just come quietly and no one needs to get hurt".

"I didn't break any laws " Nadira stated

" Then why are you here in 2026? Don't lie just come with me you'll be in jail soon enough " Time force black said

" She aint going nowhere " Santa said stepping forward

" You going to stop me old man?" Timeforce Black snapped " You and what army"

" Me " MIck Canic said appearing behind tne trio, Robo Knight then kicked Lina in the gut. He followed that up by jamming his elbow in her neck. Santa and Nadira then morphed, Santa's suit was a helmetless mmpr red suit with a thick knee length red jacket with white fur, Nadira's Mystic Force white rangers and Mick's was super megaforce suit but it was half green and half ref. The rangers then jumped into battle against the SPD and Timeforce rangers.

Robo Knight admired their bravery and resourcefulness as Nadira leveled Z with a roundhouse kick. The rest of SPD looked on " Nadira what the hell?" Time force black said. Nadira smiled her trademark smile under her helmet, she then kicked Time force black straight in the crotch, the SPD rangers took this opportunity to retreat, She turned around to face the rangers, "That went well", Santa said before powering down.

"They'll be back tho", Nadira replied.

Rob knight sighed, "I have to find my friefs" he said. The others nodded. In a flash of coloured light the group disappeared from the park. as Robo Knight walked away out of the park. He was determined to find the Megaforce rangers, hopefully they would be happy to see him.

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