Old School

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The common room was quiet that afternoon as the warm weather had led everyone outside to enjoy a rare sunny day. Nadira was still inside slumped over a desk though, Ever since Alex had joined the team, the team was gelling quite well, having woken up Nadira ran out the common room, to find her teammates.

Eventually she found her targets in the park, "Hey Cyra", she called out, "could I have a word".

"Make it quick", she spat out and asked her friends to carry on without her. "Sorry about my tone,"

"Don't worry about it", Nadira waived away Cyra's comments, "We're on the same team now so let's start with a clean slate", the pink ranger replied.

"Thanks Nadira", Cyra  began, "Most girls wouldn't dare go outside in public with their hair in that state".

Outwardly Nadira wasn't usually bothered about her appearance but it was a slightly sensitive subject for her. She had been teased for most of her life about her wild hair, "Oh I didn't even notice", she said with a flustered tone, "anyway better go", she added and hurried in the other direction.

" Nadira wait! I wasn't trying to be nasty", Cyra called out but the pink ranger didn't hear her, "dang it", she cursed and ran a hand through her hair.

Nadira vaguely heard Cyra  calling after her but she wanted to get to somewhere private as soon as possible. She turned a corner and was nearly tripped up by something on the floor. She looked down and saw a mirror with a bulky blue handle. Nadira looked around but couldn't see who had dropped it. She bent down and picked up the mirror, taking a quick look at her reflection in the process, "Cyra was right I do look a state", she sighed. Nadira lowered the mirror, "I wish I was as pretty as some of the other girls", she added and continued towards the tower. What she didn't see was the mirror glowing in her hand.

The following morning Mick and Alex were waiting outside for Nadira to arrive. "It's not like her to be late", Mick said to the others as he looked at his watch.

The duo heard some hurried footsteps heading in their direction. The two stared down the corridor, there was a woman heading their direction. She had straight pink hair that swayed with each step. Her white shirt was unbuttoned to her stomach, revealing a pink top underneath. She was wearing a skirt that stopped mid thigh and a pair of black high heels. It took the boys a few moments to recognise the girl but when they did they got the shock of their lives, "Hello boys", Nadira flashed them half smile.

"Nadira", Alex stammered, "you look different".

"Aww you're drooling", she said with a mocking tone. She took a couple of steps towards Alex until her body was lightly touching her, "Play your cards right and you might get to see what's underneath". Alex's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she dropped to the ground in a dead faint.

She looked Mick in the eyes and placed a hand on his cheek, "Don't wait up for me", she tapped the blue ranger's cheek and walked off down the corridor.

Moments later the group were joined by Cyra, "Was that Nadira?" she asked before noticing the unconscious Alex "What happened to her?"

"Puberty I think", Mick began, "and yes that was Nadira".

"Blimey she scrubs up good doesn't she", Cyra whistled.

"Something is definitely wrong", Mick said, "let's head to the training room and get Scott to meet us there. Maybe the others have come across something like this before". Half an hour later Alex had been revived but she still had a far-away look in her eyes. Scott had Veteran Rangers on screens, who  listened intently as the current Rangers explained what happened, "She's under a spell", all five announced simultaneously much to the surprise of the teens.

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