New Megazord

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The following few days after the incident with the mirror had been hectic for the rangers. They had stepped up their training to ensure they wouldn't get manipulated in the same way again. With some extra training from the veteran Rangers, the rangers were close to mastering their basic Chi powers. Scott had summoned them to administer a special test of their new abilities.

The rangers stood in a line inside their training room and each of them had a different object on front of them. Bernard walked slowly behind the rangers before speaking, "All of you have come a long way but the question is how far?" He stood behind Cyra and opposite the green ranger was a straw dummy. With a nod of his head, Cyra flicked her wrist and the dummy burst into flame, "The power of fire, excellent", he praised the green ranger.

"Can I go next", Nadira raised her hand, leading to much eye rolling from the others.

"Do not mock", Bernard chastised them, "all of you could learn something from the mutants attitude". He bowed to the pink ranger and pointed towards the pedestal opposite her, "I would like you to remove the golden cup without being seen", Nadira nodded and blinked her eyes. A fraction of a second later the cup had moved into her hand.

"By Odin's beard", Mick gasped.

"Eloquently put", Bernard said with an even tone before turning back to the pink ranger, "a true master of speed and time can make anything look effortless". He walked down the line until he was next to Mick, "Don't think I'm going to go easy on of you".

Daniel smiled and turned towards his pedestal "You'll see two different items on your pedestal, a feather and an iron bar. All you have to do is levitate them off the pedestal".

"You make it sound so easy", Mick mumbled to himself. In theory it shouldn't be any more difficult to life the feather than the lump of iron. The blue ranger thrust his hand out and the feather rose into the air but the iron bar stayed in the same place, he tried again, slowly but surely both rose from the pedestals. 

"Very good", Bernard began, "although don't let it get so close to the ground next time", he added, causing Mick to pout. "Now onto our red ranger", he tapped Scott on the shoulder, "on your pedestal is a lead bar. I want to believe that it's a bar of solid gold".

"Alchemy isn't my best subject", Scott said as he cracked his knuckles.

"You don't have to physically change the bar, just my perception of it's appearance". Scott nodded slowly and turned his attention to the lead bar. At first nothing happened but a few moments later the bar appeared to change into gold. "Good job", he praised the red ranger.

Alex had watched all her  fellow rangers succeed and she was growing more nervous with each test. Everyone else had passed with flying colours, what if she failed? Would that mean she was expelled from the team? She had always struggled with her new powers from the very beginning. "Last but by no means least", Bernard voice dragged Alex away from her thoughts, she turned to her pedestal which had a large egg sitting on top. Alex waived her arm and a strong gust of sand blew but the egg didn't move. She tried again throwing more sand. however, the egg shot up into the air at tremendous speed, crashing into the roof.

The other rangers sniggered but Bernard wasn't impressed and shook his head. Alex whimpered and her shoulders slumped, "What have I told you,", the elf said.

"Clearly I'm not getting this", Alex walked away and sat down on a nearby mat.

"Alex don't be like this", Nadira  began, "you just need a little more practice".

"That's all I have been doing", Alex replied, "I've tried for hours but I'm just not as good as the rest of you".

Before anyone else could talk their morphers bleeped, indicating an attack somewhere in the country. The rangers quickly rushed over to the map, "Looks like the Krampus's attention has shifted to the north of England", Scott stated, "lets get going".

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