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At six o'clock, the Xmas rangers enter a warehouse in the Pine Ridge docks. Between checking, double checking and triple checking that it wasn't one huge trap designed to blow them all to Hell.

The rangers were all experienced with shit like this. Mick hoped that wasn't going to be a problem.

In a shimmer of teleportation sparkles, the so-called Pink Dino Fury ranger arrived in the warehouse accompanied by what looks like monster versions of Legendary rangers.

"Ho-lee shit," breathed Mick.

Santa felt inclined to agree as he made a visual assessment of the four rangers. One amongst them was a good strategist, he could say that much for certain. They'd picked the battleground and automatically put the meeting on their terms by showing up.

From the way they were standing, Santa judged the two of the team - Red and Blue looked like Dino thunder. And Yellow In fact they looked like monsterous versions of the Dino thunder rangers

Further assessment was stalled as Pink took a step forward.

"You showed up," she drawled. "I'm impressed."

"Momma brought me up to be punctual," Mick answered.

Pink cocked her head. "Getting the help to speak for you, old man?" she jibed.

Santa matched her gesture and stepped forward, not rising to the bait. "You've gone to a lot of trouble to get us here," he stated calmly. "What do you want?"

Pink folded her arms across her chest. "It's quite straightforward. We want you."


Pink laughed, a hard, brittle sound. "Because we're going to finish what you started, old man."

That seemed to be the cue for all hell to break loose. The evil rangers surged forwards; ending what few hopes Nadira might have entertained of this being discussed peacefully.

As the pink ranger reached him, Santa noted that the three Rangers stayed out of the fray, observing events. He buried his fist into the midriff of the pink ranger. Definitely a good tactician in that group. Stand back... He winced as Pink landed a kick to his knee, all but taking out his leg. Watch how we fight... He dropped into a crouch and swept the legs out from under Pink. Then pick us off when we're tired. He rolled back to his feet, ready to launch himself at the next foe. Well two can play at that game.

"Say what you like," cut in Mick, "but the Blue one's mine."

"I've got Red," added Nadira

"Pink and Yellow are mine then," said Santa, he opened his mouth to countermand that but Mick got in first: "Kick that leader bitch's ass, boss," he instructed. "For the rangers kidnapped."

Beneath his helmet, Mick smiled thinly. "You got it." Santa replied.

"You think you can keep up with me, old man?" the Pink Ranger shot back. "Well lemme see what you got."

So saying, she launched a high, snap kick that was intended to take his head off. Santa swayed out of the way, deflecting the blow as he went. She spun with his deflection, coming round into a series of punches. He rolled with the blows, waiting for an opening.

Sure enough, one came as Pink lunged forward. Santa twisted, letting her blow slide by. As she stumbled, taken beyond her point of balance by the lack of an impact, he hooked her leg out from under her and she fell.

"Is that the best you've got, old man?" she sneered as she rolled back to her feet. "Cheap shots and dodges?"

"Oh, there's plenty more." Santa dropped into a ready stance and made a 'c'mon' motion with his hands.

She didn't disappoint.

She rushed him. Santa smiled ferally. As she neared him, he grabbed her and executed a hip toss but rather than letting go, he pivoted round, retaining his hold on her arm, twisting it up and behind her back.

She reacted automatically, trying to drive her free elbow back into his gut. He evaded that, and the inevitable foot stamp but there was no avoiding her third attempt at getting free. Her right foot came up and planted itself in his groin.

Santa reeled away, doubled over. He knew the pain would be worse if he was unmorphed but...

She kicked out at him, catching him first on the shoulder and then the chest, then the head for good measure, the last blow enough to snap his head back and make him see stars.

"And here I thought you were a hero," Pink hissed.

Santa blinked. He could taste blood on his tongue and he realised he had bitten either tongue or lip.

"But you're nothing. You're just a sad, pathetic old man and you're goin' down."

"I don't think so," Santa retorted.

Before she could add another jibe, it was Santa's turn to rush her, but as he neared her and she started to reach to return the hip toss he sprang, somersaulting over her. He landed behind her. As she turned, he was up into the air to deliver a snap kick of his own, connecting with the 'jaw' of her helmet.

Her head jerked back at the blow. Santa followed up, not giving her a chance to recover, kicking out with his trailing leg as he came down, catching her this time on the breastbone. She reeled backwards.

Santa followed her, not letting up. He punched, again catching her in the chest. She took another step backwards. He followed, driving her back with a flurry of kicks and punches that were less and less defended.

He dropped into a leg sweep, clicking her ankles together and dropping her. She hit the ground, striking her head awkwardly.

The crack echoed through a suddenly silent warehouse, bringing Santa up short. He froze. The last thing he wanted to do was kill her.

Unsteadily, she clambered back to her feet, shaking her head. "Is that...the best you got...old man?"

The sway to her stance to told Santa she was all but unconscious where she stood. He slowly shook his head.

"Give it up kid," he said.

"Fight me you son of a bitch!"


"You've got to pay!" she screamed. "You did this to me!"

Santa barely had a chance to register the words before she was charging him in a blind fury. He reacted instinctively, using the momentum of her charge against her in another hip toss. As she went over, her helmet came free.

Santa realised the second the helmet came off what must have happened. When her head had struck the concrete one of the catches had born the brunt of the blow and the violence of the hip toss was more than one catch alone could stand. The pink shell now spun away across the concrete.

There was a long, frozen moment. Santa's gaze switched from the helmet to the now helmet-less Pink Ranger. All he could see of her was a loose, brown hair as she tried to push herself up off the concrete. He stepped closer.

"C'mon Amelia- don't be stupid." Santa held out a hand, offering her help, but even as he did so he recognised the familiarity of the situation.

"I don't need your help," she hissed. "You and Hexigon are just the same"

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