Noble Tiger

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A few days had passed since Troy's death and Jake's disappearance. The guardian rangers had arrived to investigate while Gosei tried to contact the remaining Megaforce rangers so they could be warn, Alex had much more respect for her fellow rangers. She had opened up more after the Incident.

Mick stopped in his tracks and spied a woman a little bit further down the street. She was wearing a white blouse, a loose fitting black knee length skirt and a pair of flat black shoes. She had a glowing caramel coloured skin complexion and her dark brown hair skimmed the top of her shoulders. In one hand was a small book and in the other was a black and gold cell phone, Mick strode forward with purpose until he reached the woman, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but notice that you look lost".

"That obvious", the woman sighed, "I'm trying to find somewhere decent to have brunch but this guide book I have is a little old".

"Well do you like smoothies?" Mick asked and the woman nodded, "there's a store a block away that's selling smoothies today", he paused for a moment and flashed her his best smile, "fancy accompanying me?"

The woman frowned, "Look I think before we go any further, I should mention that I'm not really dating at the moment".

"Oh", Mick fumbled over his words for moments, "I didn't mean as a date, I'm helping my friend drum up some business",

The woman looked at Mick and thought about the offer for a few moments, "Tell you what, I'll keep looking and if I can't find anything better, I'll come and check you out".

"Great", Mick smiled, "I'm Mivk by the way", he offered his hand,

"Good you meet you", she returned the smile, "my name's Alyssa, Alyssa Enrile. Maybe we'll see each other again soon", with that, she turned on her heel and continued walking down the street.

The rest of the journey continued silently until he met along at the door of Earnie's. When they looked inside, there was a scene of total devastation, "What the hell?" Cyra whispered.

There was a large crowd inside the store but for some reason, they were all engaged in a food fight. Mick and Cyra watched as Alex and Nadira had to repeatedly dodged some flying oranges. Behind the counter where the demonstration was taking place, Kelly was covered in what they assumed was the remains of a smoothie.

"I think we'd better put a stop to this", Scott shook his head.

"Why it looks like fun?" Mick smiled as a stray piece of fruit exploded with a splat against the glass.

"Yeah but you don't have to clean the mess up", Santa pulled the door open, dragging his brother in the process, "get their attention".

"Why me?" Cyra asked.

"People will pay more attention to you", Mick added.

"God bless genetics", Cyra made herself  as big as possible and shouted as loud as she could, "everybody freeze!" To her surprise the combatants stopped what they were doing and stared at the green ranger, "Unless you want to deal with me, I suggest you leave as quickly as possible", she added, flashing them her  angriest glare.

Seconds later the store began to empty as everyone followed Cyra's instructions. Soon the only people left were the Ranger's and Kelly, "Finally you've come in useful", Nadira said jokingly to the green ranger. Cyra although turned her glare on the pink ranger  forcing Nadira  to visibly retreat.

"Do I want to know", Mick pointed at the floor which was covered in various pieces of smashed fruit and puddles of juice.

"It was all Rocky's fault", Kelly pointed at the former ranger.

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus", Rocky replied, "plus that kid in the front row started it".

"Wow, this is awkward", Kelly moved away from the group, "I'm going to grab a broom and start clearing this place up".

Unnoticed by the group, the front door opened and someone stepped inside, "Oh, am I interrupting something". The Rangers turned to the door and Hunter noticed Alyssa standing there with a look of confusion on her face.

"Hey Alyssa you came", Mick began, "yeah as you can see, we've had a bit of an incident".

"I can see that", she replied. She looked past Mick, "The in store entertainment is very different that I'm used to in Turtle Cove".

Whilst Mick had been talking to Alyssa,

"Nice to meet you Alyssa", Alex added before leaving completely.

"Is it always like this?" Alyssa frowned.

 Things then got even stranger as Kelly began walking towards the door. She had a glassy look in her eyes, "Err Kelly, where are you going?"

"I don't know", she said with a dreamy voice, "I've suddenly got this warm feeling in my heart", she giggled to herself, "I'm in love with Lothor". She opened the door and stepped outside, leaving a group of very confused people.

"Fantastic, that's all we need", Rocky groaned, "I'll go after her, you guys know what to do", he added in the direction of the rangers. Cyra gave Alyssa a second glance almost like she recognised her. Alyssa stepper outside the store.

"Wow that was random, even by Ranger standards", Alyssa opened up her phone and dialled a number, "hello Princess, I think you were right to send me to San Angeles ".

Alyssa Enrile, the White Wild Force Ranger, had been sent to San Angeles by Princess Shayla after she picked up a possible Org signal in the area, "Have you found something Alyssa?" the Princess asked.

"Nothing Org related but I think I've found a ranger team", Alyssa replied, "but I think something is going on".

"Did you want some assistance?" Princess Shayla asked, "I could get send Cole-"

"No don't send Cole", Alyssa snapped, "anyone but him".

There was a tense silence before the Princess responded, "he's the only one available, Max and Danny haven't returned from their trip and Taylor's training with the Air Force today".

Alyssa sighed, "What about Merrick, I'm sure if you asked him he would come".

"Fine I'll ask", Princess Shayla said, "but you need to talk with Cole eventually".

"Yeah, sure", Alyssa stated and snapped her Growl Phone closed without saying goodbye. She opened the door and closed it carefully behind her. If she was quick she might be able to catch up with one of the groups. She could just about make out the red checked shirt of the oldest man that was inside the store heading down the street so she sprinted to catch up with him.

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