Pink's Fury

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 Mick heard the crack as the Pink Ranger's head struck the concrete floor. He wasn't the only one, he realised, as everyone seemed to freeze. He turned to look in time to see the Pink Ranger unsteadily regain her feet.

"Is that...the best you got...old man?" she asked, the hitch in her voice telling Mick she was dazed.

From Santa's body language Mick guessed he'd spotted the signs too and was more than reluctant to continue this fight. "Give it up kid," Santa replied.

"Fight me you son of a bitch!"

"No." Mick watched as Santa's whole posture relaxed. It was a sure sign that as far as Santa was concerned, this fight was over.

"You've got to pay!" she screamed. "You did this to me!"

Nadira's jaw hinged open, even as the Pink Ranger started to charge. She was sure that whatever had been done to the Pink Ranger, Santa was not the culprit. Nor was Santa prepared to play scapegoat, Nadira realised. As the crazed female got within range, Santa grabbed her and hip tossed her...

...and as she went over, her helmet came off. She landed in an uncoordinated heap while the helmet spun away across the concrete. Ben found his eyes rooted to the spot where the ranger had landed. Santa had stepped closer and was offering her a hand up, but there was something wrong. Something about the way Santa had tensed.

"I don't need your help, you and Hexigon are just as bad as each other"

With a charged blast Mick and Nadira destroyed the Dino thunder monsters, they turned back to Santa and Amelia's direction. Amelia had slumped to the floor, "Hey, Amelia how you feeling?" Mick knelt down next to the pink ranger.

"Like I've been run over by a train", her voice was scratchy, almost like she had gone without water for several days.

"Blunt force can do that to you", Nadira replied.

Amelia gently shook her head, "No, this feels like something else". She was struggling to focus on Santa.

"Alright let's move you to a safe place", Mick gently lifted Amelia to her feet and walked her to a sheltered spot. Amelia's body fell to the to the ground in what seemed like slow motion as her morph faded. She felt a wave of intense numbing pain burst over her entire body.

" Oh no " Nadira said she hit her communicator "Hello? Anyone? We need help".

"Nadira?" Circut asked uncertain

" Circut thank god Amelia from the Dino fury team she's badly hurt, she needs immediate medical attention" Nadira replied

"Hang on", Circut began, "I'll need a few moments to initiate the teleportation function".

"You can teleport?" Nadira asked, "then why do Timeforce need the bikes and cars?"

"Timeforce can't I'm tapping into the power chamber in Angel grove", Circut replied.

"Uh, I cant find her power signature" Circut said, " Oh there you are".

The Xmas rangers watched as Amelia was teleported away.

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