Angel Grove beat down

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The Zentinels though weren't going to wait for the trio to finish morphing and charged towards them. Mick's eyes widened underneath his helmet as one of the footsoldiers aimed a punch in his direction. The years of torment meant that he was able to dodge the attack but his weak counter punch didn't to a lot of damage, "Erm, little help", he cried.

"Bit busy right now", Nadira responded as she nervously backed away from a couple of Zentinels. Her parents had taken her to a few karate lessons Lucas and Joe had taught her. Right now she was desperately trying to remember some of the kata's, "Was it left leg forward first or right", she muttered to herself. The Zentinel jumped towards her and Nadira shrieked with surprise. She sidestepped the attack and used the momentum of the creature to thrown it into a nearby building, "Hey I actually did it", but her celebration was premature. Another Zentinel kicked her in the side, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Scott immediately jumped to her defence and stood protectively in front of his friend . "My family could be dead", he began, "right now I really wouldn't want to be you". He thrust his hand out, his tree Sabre appeared, he charged towards the Zentinels.

"Careful with that", Nadira cried as Mick blasted another hole in a building, "we're meant to stop things from getting destroyed, not cause them ourselves".

"Sorry" Gokai Christmas said and accidentally fired another blast. This time he did destroy a couple of Zentinels rather than someone's home.

Suddenly the rangers and the Zentinels were pushed back by a energy slash as someone landed between them. The trio looked up

" Cyra" Scott cried, "I'm glad to see you"

"Sorry I'm late" Cyra sighed, "had a meeting with Wes", she added with a smirk. A Zentinel tried to jump her from behind but she disabled it with a spinning kick to the head. "Now let's show them how it's done", She pulled a small silver stick from one of the holsters and it expanded into her Z staff. She twirled it expertly in front of her before charging into battle.

The others look on in awe at their team mate as she began to dismantle the Zentinels with a fluid motion and grace. As good as she was, he other rangers joined in Inspired by their team mate, they made quick work of the Zentinels.

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