End of season 1

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Angel Grove park

The Xmas Megazord was engaged in battle with Squila Naire, Squila was putting up a strong fight. However she was knocked down by two quick punches from the Megazord.

"Ok guys lets finish this", Scott called out.

"Not so fast rangers, you've fallen right into my trap", Squila laughed. From her position on the ground, she swept the legs out from underneath the megazord. She stood up and positioned herself in front of the fallen zords. "I'd like you to meet the rest of my attack force", she taunted.

Four bolts of lightning struck the ground around the zords and four more giant sized monsters appeared. The rangers had been ambushed and surrounded, this battle was now five against one.

"We're surrounded, Scott what are we gonna do", Mick said as he and the other rangers righted the downed zord.

"I'm not sure Mick, I really don't know", Scott replied. This time the situation really did look hopeless.

The bull monster charged at the megazord, using the horns on its head to batter the zord. The Xmas Megazord tumbled onto its back, sparks shooting out of all its joints.

"We can't take another hit", Mick called out after looking at his console.

"Ok we'll try and avoid the horns from now on", Nadira said.

"No I don't think you understand", Mick responded with a slightly irritated tone, "we can't take another hit at all. The shields are down to zero and we've used up all the backup power, we're literally falling apart.

"Well we'd better a good final hit in", Cyra began, "You said it yourself Mick we can't retreat, if we're going down let's try and take them both with us"

There was silence for a moment as everyone thought about Cyra's suggestion. It was Scott who spoke first, "Cyra's right it's the only realistic option", he paused for a moment before addressing everyone, "any objections?"

The other rangers shook their heads so Scott powered up the Power Sword and readied one final attack.

"Rangers don't do it, the morphing grid can't take anymore, you could destroy it", Bernard cried through the radio.

"Sorry Bernard but it's a chance we need to take", Scott replied and turn off communications. With one almighty slash, the Power Sword cut through Toro. The monster fell to the ground with a large explosion, however, the megazord was also rocked by an explosion. Large metal pieces began falling to the ground.

"Ha you lose rangers", Squila taunted, "your zords are finished".

"That maybe true but we're taken you with us Squila", Scott shouted across. The rangers were able to stagger across to Squila and with the last of its energy it grabbed hold of Squila.

"No let me go", Squila shouted as she struggled to break free.

Warning sirens were blaring in the Megazord's cockpit, the lights flickered and then went out. It was clear that the megazord was finished.

"Guys abandon ship", Cyra cried up as the rangers jumped free and landed on the ground.

"You haven't seen the last of me", Squila shouted as she teleported free from the Megazords grip.

The sudden loss of Squila's weight holding it up caused the Xmas Megazord to lurch forward. Both arms fell free and crashed to the ground, followed quickly by the head of the zord. A sound of snapping metal rang out through the park as the torso of the megazord broke free and hit the ground and exploded on impact. The rangers were thrown away from the blast and landed several feet away. Their morphers sparked and their suit disappeared from around them.

It was a few minutes before Nadira was able to move, she rolled onto her front and into a kneeling position. Slowly she surveyed the scene around her, her friends were moving but very slowly. All around them was twisted and burning metal that had once been their zords. Once again tears rolled down her cheeks as he grasped her hair between her hands.

The other rangers had been able to get to their feet, slightly bruised and burned but otherwise in good shape.

"I can't believe the zords are gone", Scott commented as he surveyed the devastation.

Cyra picked up a small metal box that was almost burned beyond recognition. It was only on closer inspection that he realised that it was the remains of her morpher and power coin. "Guys I don't think that's all we've lost", she said to the group as she held up her morpher.

The others searched around and found their own morphers which were in the same condition as Cyra's.

"Bernard said that the morphing grid was overloading", Mick commented.

"What does that mean?" Nadira asked.

"I think we've lost our powers", he replied.

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