A new ranger is needed

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Nadira stood outside The Silver Guardians office. The blonde haired Air Force major was exiting the building and greeted the white ranger warmly, "Hey Nadira, didn't expect to see you here". The smile quickly fell from Taylor's face when the tired looking Nadira lowered her hood, "He's in his office", Taylor stated. Nadira gave her a half smile in return, Taylor always knew when something was wrong with Nadira She wasn't jealous of the close relationship between Eric and Nadira, knowing full well about their shared experiences.

Nadira didn't even bother to knock on the door and was greeted by a startled Eric hunched over the desk surrounded by paperwork. The moment he set eyes on Nadira he let out a loud sigh, "I'll break out the whiskey".

As Eric opened his desk draw Nadira shook her head, "Think I'm going to see something stronger than that today", she slumped into the chair opposite Eric.

The former red ranger frowned and opened another draw, pulling out a small silver flask, "Russia's finest, courtesy of Skarl". Nadira frowned, knowing the reputation of Skarl, "Don't worry it's legal", Eric chuckled and pushed the glass of clear liquid over to Nadira.

The white ranger took a sniff at the glass but whatever was inside was completely odourless. She took a small swig and almost instantly the back of her throat began to burn, "Jesus Christ Jack", she coughed, "that's like liquid fire".

"And people criticised President Trump's close relationship with the motherland", Eric smiled, "what happened this time?" Nadira's head snapped up, "I'm not a total idiot Nadira the only time you visit me nowadays is to complain". A small grin appeared on his face, "Did you get a divorce?"

Nadira screwed her eyes up, "No I don't think I have, but that's definitely not the whole story".

Over the next few minutes Nadira went into a detailed explanation of the last week's events. Since Eric was a civilian he would only have the presses account of things. To her knowledge Gluto's attack at the warehouse yesterday hadn't even made the news which was a small blessing. Once her story turned to Gluto's attacking on her and Cyra making the save, she could see the fire behind Eric's eyes beginning to burn. The former red ranger never had much love for Timeforce but deliberately hurting Eric's friend, that was the last straw.

When Nadira was finished Eric didn't say a word and that really made the white ranger worried. Whenever her oldest friend went quiet like this, it was usually the sign of a massive eruption brewing. "Eric don't do anything stupid", she could see his hands shaking with rage across the desk.

Eric calming stood up from his chair, "I'm not going to do anything stupid" he began and slowly made his way towards a cupboard on the other side of his office. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the medium size door, "This is probably the smartest thing I've ever done". He reached inside to retrieve his morpher and Quantum defender, "I'm going to track down that heartless bitch and break every bone in their body".

"Eric don't", Nadira stood in front of main office door, "I won't have to rot away in prison for Alex's Sister".

"Nadira this isn't because of Cyra, Gluto tried to kill you", Eric snapped, "He dropped you off a building and then blasted Cyra at point blank range and Alex let it happen".

"Getting angry isn't going to solve anything", Nadira retorted.

"I'll get angry if I want", Eric banged the defender against the desk, "I can't understand why you're being so calm about this". Eric had hit the nail on the head. The two old friends sat back down again, the explosive mood defused for the moment,

Maybe this was a mistake coming to Eric, he wasn't likely to be objective, What Nadira was good at was reading people and right now, she didn't trust her instincts, There was a long silence as Eric thought about the question. Nadira was slightly relieved that he hadn't dismissed her outright and he was mulling it over, "Eric, please", Nadira pleaded, "I came to you for an honest, subjective answer".

"Alright", Eric snapped back, "why not just ask Cyra to join you?" Nadira looked at Eric confused " What"

Eric nodded defiantly, "She saved you right?", he replied, "and her chrono morpher is fried". He banged his fist on the desk, "So have her join you guys, there happy now?"

Nadira shook her head, "Not really, that just brings up more questions".

Before their conversation could continue the office door opened. At first Nadira thought it was Taylor but to her shock, it was Commander Tate, "Ms Nadira fancy meeting you here" he said. Nadira was too tired to stand up and give him a proper salute, merely waiving vaguely in his direction, "At ease", he snorted sarcastically, "I have some business with your friend".

"Me?" Eric pointed at his chest, "Look Commander I'm out of the ranger game, have been for a while". He then began to frown, "If it's about that last shipment that Skarl brought it, I promise you it was from a legal source".

"I'm not here to talk about Skarl", Tate began, "actually I'm not here to talk to you at all".

The Commander stepped aside and another man entered the office. Nadira immediately recognised him as Andros. The white ranger began to get up but the older man waived her off, "Please Ms Nadira stay seated", he began, "I know the last 24 hours have been hard on you".

"Getting shot at by someone you hate, that hurts you more mentally than physically", she commented.

A sad look crossed Andros's face, a look that suggested he knew exactly what she was going through. He soon shook it off and turned his attention to Eric, "I know you've been out the business for a while Eric but I've come to make you an offer old friend."

Eric raised an eyebrow at Andros, "Is this a financial offer, if it's not then I'm not interested".

"Myers", Tate growled, "show a little respect".

"At ease Sky", Andros smiled, "of course Eric you will be financially compensated if you accept my offer".

Nadira watched Eric's face carefully, she could almost see the grey cells in his head working away, "I'm listening", the former Quantum ranger answered.

Andros smiled warmly, "Thank you", he began, "since Agent Cooper is here then she's probably already told you that They currently have the former Timeforce black", Eric nodded as Nadira scratched her head nervously, "it wasn't a secret so don't worry about that", Andros smiled,

"Why me?" Eric asked, a little surprised by Andros's offer, "Why not Wes or Jason!?"

There was a brief moment when Nadira thought Eric was going to reject the offer, however, his anger was probably still in his system, "I have an idea" the former red ranger stated. " I'm listening " Andros said.

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