Murder Mystery

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The town of Angel Grove; sixteen year old, Emma Goodall was getting out of her boyfriend Troy Burrows car. Emma had brown hair and brown eyes, Emma was wearing a pink v-neck tank top, a black jacket, white pants and black heels. A dog barks and makes Emma gasp.

"Hi, baby! Oh, yes. The love of my life. Come on." Emma says to her dog.

A cellphone beeps.

"Music on." Emma says to her phone.

Some pop music starts playing. Emma walks down the hallway, taking her jacket off along the way. She gets to her room and starts changing into a bathing suit. She puts on a pink robe. Her dog whines.

Her phone beeps, Emma watches as her phone plays back her talking to her dog and changing into the bathing suit. Emma looks around and her phone beeps again.

She looks at it and sees their a message from Troy. The message reads "How does it feel to be the star of the show?"

Emma looks around again and notices that her laptop is open and the webcam is recording. She walks to her laptop and shuts it. "Troy, you are skating on restraining order lake." Emma says aloud.

Her cellphone chimes chimes again. She sees another message from Troy. The message reads "Am I on thin ice?

Emma walks out of her room and down the hall to the door, saying "Troy! I swear to God, if you are in my house, you are dead! Sage is a trained attack Pomeranian, and she will gut you on command!" Emma says saying it loud. Emma's dog barks. Emma opens the door and walks outside.

Her cellphone chimes again. She sees a playback of her opening the door and walking outside. Emma gasps and turns around.

Her cellphone chimes. Another message from Troy, it reads "Well maybe you'll get more views than Audrey's video."

Emma walks back in and closes the door. "Well, maybe you should grow up! And when you do, I'll be outside!" She walks to a glass door and opens it up. Her dog whimpers.

"No. Stay inside." Emma says to her dog. She walks out and the lights come on.

Her cellphone beeps. "Outdoor speakers on." Emma says. Taylor Swift music starts playing. She walks to the hot tub and sticks her legs in. She looks back at the glass doors.

"Troy?" Emma calls out. She gets her phone and texts "Was that you?" to Troy.

Her cellphone beeps. A message from Troy appears. It reads "Maybe. Is this where it gets interesting."

"I may have underestimated you." Emma says aloud, while texting it to Troy. She stands up from the hot tub and takes her robe off. She gets into the hot tub and sits down.

Her phone chimes. Message from Troy, which reads "You're killing me."

"Then get over here and do something about it." She texts while saying it aloud. Emma relaxes in the hot tub.

Her cellphone chimes, but she doesn't hear it. Message from Troy, which reads "Heads up." Something splashes into the water which gets Emma attention. She sees Troy's decapitated head floating in the water. Emma screams as his head turns over so his face is seen. She grabs her phone and runs from the hot tub. She runs behind a tree and taps her phone screen. Emma wipes the screen on her arm.

"Oh, my God." Emma whispers.

Her cellphone beeps. "Call 911." Emma says to her phone.

Her cellphone beeps. A female's voice is heard. "Calling pottery barn."

Emma runs to the glass doors. "Help! Help! Somebody, please help!" She screams. Her dog barking. "Please!" She pleads. The killer slices into Emma's back.

"AHHHH!" Emma screams, as she falls to the ground. She gets up and runs towards the pool. She falls again, but continues to crawl away. The killer walks up behind the crawling girl and picks her up. "Oh, God! No! No, please!" She cries.

The killer slices her throat open with a familiar looking dagger and throws her into the pool. Her phone starts ringing, 'MOM' is calling. Blood forms around Emma's corpse in the pool. A white tiger head on a sword can be briefly seen.

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