Chapter 58:Vampire Faction

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm currently over in Romanian specifically in the Vampire Faction on the request of Lady Lilith to find her son 'Rizevim Lucifer'.After the meeting with the Devil Kings,Azazel,and Michael she asked me to help her find him.To which I just asked Lord Shiva if he could check if he was in the Human World,Underworld,or Heaven.He agreed and using his Third Eye found out he was in the Vampire Faction's Territory.I got Nikki to help me out and so right now I'm heading to meet up with her,Gasper,Chris,and Alucard who was sent by Lady Integra to assist us since no Vampire here would dare to go against him.Now if you're thinking Lady Lilith wants Rizevim to come back to the Devil Faction....well your partially right,but after speaking with Vali she also wants him to come back so she can beat his fucking ass for what he did to Vali.She also learned of Rosalina's condition as well as meant Eri.....Not gonna lie when she meant Eri she and her just clicked with Lady Lilith calling Eri her 'Adorable Little Princess'.But upon hearing what the fucker did to her,Gasper,and Rosalina she just thanked Alucard for killing him & Nikki for helping them when she could.Rosalina was also brought back to the Devil Faction where she's being treated for the Sleeping Sickness.Right now tho as I'm walking I turn the corner seeing the four of them.....
[They look at me]
Nikki:Hey Ryo so I contacted some people and found some things out.
Me:*Raised Eyebrow*Which is?
Nikki:Currently the Civil War is still raging and from what we can tell Rizevim's backing the Tepes Faction having a Vampire named Marcus Tepes use Gasper's Childhood Friends 'Valeria Tepes' sacred gear as a trump card.
Me:....Which one is it?
Nikki:Sephiroth Graal.
Me:*Deep Breathe*Of course it's that one....well atleast it at Telos Karma.
[She nods]
Alucard:Meanwhile the Camilla Faction are apparently looking to get Gasper on their side to have another powerful sacred gear on their side to fight against it.
[Gasper looks nervous]
Me:Whelp they can fuck off,but for now guess we're heading to the Tepes Family Terr....
[We're interrupted by a magic circle appearing,we look and see a group of Vampire Soldiers as well as some other people come thru.....]

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[We look at them and they look at us

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[We look at them and they look at us....]
??????????:....Gasper Vladi and Nicole Vladi....
Nikki:*Serious*Elmenhide why are you here?
Elmenhide:I'm here to retrieve Gasper so......
Me:So you can use him for his sacred gear,yeah not gonna happen.(They look at me as I step in front of Nikki & Gasper)So where's the Tepes Castle.
Elmendhide:*Cautious*Who are you?
Me:Ryo Zhitianmi(They all immediately get nervous)also Little Reaper(She looks at me)ya'know Thanatos is on our side right?(She's surprised)And also why the fuck is a werewolf with vampires?(I look at the guy)Did the vampires and werewolves finally stop their racist bullshittery and fighting?
[They look at me cautious and nervously]
Elmenhide:*Cautious/Nervous*In any case we require Gasp....
[He steps up and as soon as they see him the Vampire Soldiers begin trembling with Elmenhide falling back on her ass looking at him terrified]
Alucard:You're not touching Gasper,now where's Tepes Castle?
[They all look at him shocked and terrified,Gasper looks at him surprised which I notice]

Me:Oh yeah you don't know do you Gapser?(He looks at me)Reverse Alucard's Name(He look down before his eyes slowly widen,the color leaves his faces and he looks at him)Yep the Fuck Mothering Vampire otherwise known as King of All Vampires AKA Count Vlad Dracula.
[Alucard smirks and everyone looks at him nervously]
Elmenhide:*Terrified*M-My Lord....I....I understand but....the Tepes Faction they.....
Me:They have the Longinus Sacred Gear Sephiroth Graal on their team and Rizevim Lucifer backing them yeah we know.We're here ta deal with Rizevim since his mother wants him brought back to the Devil Faction and Gasper wants ta see his friend again.
[They're surprised and look at me wide eyed]
Alucard:Now then show us to the Tepes Castle.
Elmenhide:*Terrified*U-Understood my should know(We look at her)R-Rizevim Lucifer....he's....he's been using Valeria Tepes's Sacred Gear to revive Evil Dragons.(We're surprised hearing that)They've also been strengthened....and are serving him.
[I sigh and notice Chris texting someone]
Me:*Raised Eyebrow*You texting your Dad?
[Everyone looks at him]
Chris:Nah he texted me asking what I was up to,apparently he's over in the Vladi Clan's Territory.
[We're surprised]
Chris:Not sure but from what he said he went to see a old friend he hasn't seen in like twenties years.But he said he'd meet us at the Tepes Castle since he has beef with the current Lord of Tepes.
Nikki:Oh Valeria's Brother Marcus?(He nods)Understandable that guy's ah asshole on a whole nother level.
[We just look at them and I look at Elmenhide]
Me:So mind showing us the way now?
[She slowly nods and opens a magic circle which we follow her thru.....]

To Be Continue.....................

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