Chapter 24:Ride to the Underworld

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm sitting with everyone on the Gremory Clan's Train heading to the Underworld,yesterday Ravel informed me about her father and mom.The later of who is back apparently staying at the Gremory Estate and is gonna come with us when we head back to the Human World.Right now tho we're all just chilling,I plan on visiting Sirzechs to see about ah favor I asked him about when he came by for Open House."I wonder what the Asgardian Gods are like?"As I'm thinking about this Nikki pokes me,I look at her and she points off to the other side.I look and see something that actually makes me smile.I see Gasper,Vali,and Eri all sitting together playing video games together.specifically a team match on Smash Bros,as their playing tho Eri gets eliminated by one of the Computers and Eri looks sad.Vali & Gasper look at her,then at each other,before looking at the screen and immediately comboing the absolute fuck out of the same Computer that took her out.I look at them and then at Nikki.....
Nikki:*Whispering*Seems they're getting along.
Me:*Whispering*They finally got family that aren't pieces of shits,so they ain't gonna let anyone fuck with them.
[She nods smiling and then Bikou comes sit down next to us]
Bikou:So Ryo(I look at him)I heard from Emilia(I freeze hearing that)she heard we're living together and said she was gonna come visit after summer breaker.
[I look at him wide eyed and slightly pale,everyone notices and seem confused]
Issei:*Confused*Who's Emilia?
Me:*Pale/Nervous*One of the few people that I honestly do not ever want ta fight.(Their surprised)Don't get me wrong,she isn't stronger than me,she's just fucking terrifying.
Karlamine:*Curious*Is she a yokai as well?
Bikou:Yeah,she's ah Yuki-Onee.
[Their surprised]
Tiamat:....Well they are quite powerful.

Me:*Sweat Drops*And considering she literally frozen the Jade Emperor's Nuts before shattering his blue balls you can guess she's in the upper tiers.
[Everyone looks at me and Bikou as we're both trying our damnedest not to laugh remembering that]
Azazel:Okay your bullshitting us.
Me:Dead ass serious.
Kiba:Okay I gotta ask,what did do to deserve that?
Me:Oh nothing...
Bikou:We were teenagers and he came to the village to meet with the old man.
Me:Then he saw us and due to Emilia being a Tomboy asked the Old Bastard who we were.
Bikou:Specifically saying 'Who are those three boys over their'.
Me:Emilia heard this and told him she was a girl.
Bikou:To which the Jade Emperor made a fucked up comment about her being Transgender.
Me:And that pissed her so bad that she gave him actual blue balls.
Bikou:Before proceeding to create a Golf Club out of ice and....
Me/Bikou:Went for a Hole in One.
[Everyone looks at us blankly and then look at each other]
Azazel:*Blankly*I....I mean....I can see him doing that.....but also remind me never to piss her off.
Issei/Vali/Kiba/Arthur/Gasper:Me to.
Me:Gasper she wouldn't touch you cause honestly despite being fucking so sadistic that she makes Akeno look like a pacifist.
Bikou:She has a strange code of honor that she refuses to fight Shotas.
Gasper:*Relieved*Whew thank goodness.

Rias:*Surprised*I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact the Jade Emperor's ah bigot.
Me:Eh that's actually not that uncommon,but their are some Gods that are completely chill with...Lord Shiva,Lord Vishnu,Lord Brahma,Amaterasu,Susanoo.....tho Tsukiyomi is another Bigot....and is a MAJOR Sexist.
Yubelluna:*Raised Eyebrow*How bad exactly?
Azazel:From what I remember he didn't see any problem with killing his sister solely because she displeased him and she was a woman.
Me:Basically and no offense Ravel,but take Riser and multiple his bullshittery by around ah hundred times and you're in the ball park for Tsukiyomi.(Their shocked by that)Yeah you wonder why Amaterasu said fuck that guy.....also(I look at Eri)Eri cover your ears.(She's confused and Vali does it for her,I cover my mouth just in case she can read lips)According to Amaterasu his Tic Tac is smaller the her thumb and skinnier than her pinky finger.
[Their all surprised and look at me wide eyed
Kuroka:*Wide Eyed*No wonder she called you Daddy.
[I burst out laughing and just fall the fuck off my seat as everyone else looks at me wide eyed]
Nikki:*Surprised*Wait she does to?
[Everyone freezes looking at her as I look at her]
Koneko:*Blankly*Do you?'s ah long story and I actually been wanting to talk to you and Kuroka about that.
Kuroka:Okay(She stands up)let's go in another room to talk.
[She and all the girls all head out of the room]
The Girls:*In another room*He's Strong,Hot,and has a huge Banana.
[Everyone looks at the door before Issei,Kiba,Vali,Azazel,Rias,Akeno,Tiamat,and Arthur all slowly look at my crotch]
Me:Stop looking you perverts!
[They all look down]
Bikou:*Sweat Drops*This is reminding me of the time Emilia walked into the bathroom when you were changing.
[Everyone just looks at me and I look down remembering that day]

{A/N:Sorry for the short chapter,but there is a reason for it which is because of what will happen when Ryo meets with Sirzechs about his favor and what his favor actually is}

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