Chapter 34:Talk,Snitch,& Surprises

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm laying on the ground still tied up from Mai with Emilia looking down at me annoyed....
Emilia:*Annoyed*I'm waiting.
Me:....W-Well I've been helping the Biblical Factions learn to get along,then I found out a group of assholes are trying to cause chaos in the world so I agreed to help deal with them....Lord Shiva,Amaterasu,and Indra all agreed to.
[She nods]
Emilia:*Annoyed*And what is this Bikou mentioned about you having multiple mates?
[I look at her]
Me:"Bikou if you better hope Mai ends you before I get my hands on you ya damn traitor"W-Well
Emilia:*Annoyed/Slightly Glaring*Is.It.True?
Me:*Looks down*Yes.
Emilia:*Annoyed/Slightly Glaring*How many?*Nervous/Gulp*19....
[She looks at me]
Emilia:*Annoyed/Slightly Glaring*And who exactly is the 'Alpha'?
Me:The two nekos up stairs(She raises a eyebrow)their names are Kuroka and Koneko Toujou....
Emilia:*Annoyed/Slightly Glaring*Let me guess you gave them edibles didn't you?
Me:*Looking away*They brought up me eating bananas....
Emilia:*Annoyed/Slightly Glaring*......*Sigh*Alright then.
[She walks by and goes up stairs,I look at the stairs blankly before looking at the others]
Me:So uh(The others look at me)can someone help me out here?
[They nod and Kiba summons a short sword to cut the thread.....]

(Timeskip Next Day)
I'm sitting on the couch,Mai or Bikou haven't come out of his room since yesterday and Emilia,Kuroka,and Koneko haven't left the bedroom.I had to sleep on the couch and I won't lie...uh little worried about them.Right now tho I'm just relaxing watching TV and waiting to see if any of them come down.
Ravel:Hey Ryo(I look seeing her,her Mom,and the girls)we're gonna go shopping okay.
Me:Alright have fun and if you need me,just call.
[She and the girls kiss me before heading out with Ms.Phenex,then Tiamat comes down stairs]
Tiamat:Ryo(I look at her)I'll be heading to the Dragon Mountains.
Me:*Raised Eyebrow*How come?
Tiamat:Lady Parvati has offered to help increase the production of Dragon Fruits,I offered to be her guide and bodyguard.
Me:....Yeah that sounds like Lady Parvati,well tell her I said hello.
[She nods before heading off,then I see Emilia,Kuroka,and Koneko coming down the stairs]
Kuroka:Ryo(I look at her)next time you give us edibles at least tell us what they are first.
Me:*Snickers*Shouldn't of brought up me  and my bananas.
[They sigh nodding]
Emilia:So(I stiffen up)I've spoken with Kuroka and Koneko.
[I look at them and they head off into the kitchen,I look at her]
Emilia:I will be staying here for the time being(I'm surprised)alright.
Me:....But don't you have to inform Lord Nurarihyon?
Emilia:I already have and he's fine with it.
[I'm surprised and nod]
Me:Okay....make yourself at home then.
[She nods and heads into the kitchen,then I notice Mai and Bikou coming down stairs]
Mai:Hey Ryo is Emilia in the Kitchen? have you two finally gotten together?
[She nods before kissing Bikou on the cheek and heading into the Kitchen,Bikou stands their blushing as everyone else comes down.I stand up and go over to Bikou]
Me:"He's completely fucking dazed...."We need ta talk(I pick him up and look at the others)we'll be back in a little while.
Arthur:*Curious*Did something happen?
Me:....*Evil Innocent Smile*No,I just need to teach my brother that snitching on people especially your twin isn't nice.
[Bikou stiffens up hearing that as they're surprised,Bikou immediately tries getting away from me but I ain't letting him go]
Bikou:*Scared*Mai help me!?
[She,Emilia,Kuroka,and Koneko pop their heads out of the kitchen]
The Four of Them:........
[I look at them]
Me:........*Raised Eyebrow*
Mai:Sorry baby but I can't do much when it comes to Ryo.
Bikou:*Pleading/Scared*Emilia please!?
Emilia:*Raised Eyebrow*.....
[She and I look at each other,after a few seconds she goes back into the kitchen.I nod before teleporting me and Bikou back to home.I carry Bikou off as he calls for help from everyone around us,but they don't come and the kids just snicker and laugh at him.I bring to a sparring field before putting a barrier up and teach Bikou that Snitches do in fact get stitches.......]

(Timeskip Next Day)
I'm sitting in class relaxing after finishing my work,as I'm sitting their I get a text.I look at my phone and surprised seeing who it's from......
Susanoo:<Hey Ryo>
Me:<Oh what's up man?>
Susanoo:<I wanted ta let you know that Amaterasu's sending some people to your house to act as our representatives in Kuoh.>
Me:<Oh who's she sending?>
Susanoo:<.......It's ah surprise>
Susanoo:<Well just thought I'd let you know,Azazel's actually already brought them to your house>
Susanoo:<Talk to you later man>
Me:<Yep>(I look put my phone back in my pocket)"Wonder who Sunshine's sending?"
[My phone goes off again and I look at it seeing another text]
Shiva:<Hello Ryo I wanted to inform you I'm sending someone to Kuoh to act as our Representative>
Me:<Oh okay....may I ask who?>
Shiva:<....It will be a surprise for you when you get home,tho they're someone you know>
Me:*Raised Eyebrow*<Okay I understand>"I wonder who they're sending.....if it's someone I know,I can only think of a few people...."
[I get another text message I look at it seeing it's from the Old Geezer]
Old Geezer:<Ryo someone will be coming to stay with you to represent the Buddhist Pantheon>
Old Geezer:<They asked me not to say,so you'll find out when you go back to your house>
[I put my phone back in my pocket then the bell rings,I stand up and grab my stuff]

Issei:Hey Ryo(I look at him)what's up?
Me:Nothing apparently a few people are gonna be coming to stay with us tho.
[Their surprised]
Me:Don't know apparently it's gonna be ah surprise.
[They nod and we all head out going to the School Gate where we see everyone else]
Rias:Hey everyone.
Me:Yo Rias(She looks at me)you mind calling Sona apparently some people are gonna be staying here and they're already at the house so should keep her in the loop.
[Their surprised]
Koneko:Who are they?
Me:*Shrug*Don't know Susanoo,Lord Shiva,and the Old Geezer just said they would be a surprise for when we get home.
[They nod and Rias calls Sona,after a couple minutes she & her peerage arrives]
Sona:Alright shall we go?
[We nod and head off to the house]
Saji:Yo Ryo(I look at him)who are these guys anyways?
Me:Don't know Susanoo,Lord Shiva,and the Old Geezer didn't say anything more than they'll be ah surprise.
Tomoe:Do you have any idea who they could be?
Me:Hmm well Amaterasu may of sent someone from the Demon Corp. or Principal Clans(Their surprised and Akeno & Tsubaki look slightly nervous)if she did and they start I'll boink okay you two.(They're surprised and nod)For Lord Shiva.....honestly I could only think of one person,but I don't think he would send them cuz of their personality.
Akeno:*Curious*Who are they?
[They go wide eyed]
Irina:*Wide Eyed*You mean the Demigod Hero?!
Ruruko:*Wide Eyed*W-Why don't you thin he'd be sent?
Me:Cuz Arjuna can be insufferable pain in the ass sometimes(Their surprised)and no offense,but he fucking the Biblical Factions.
[They look at me wide eyed]
Ravel:*Wide Eyed*W-Why?
Me:Uh......I don't know,but one of the few times I saw him he sniping Fallen Angel and Devils out of the Sky with Bow like he was hunting ducks.(I look up)I'm pretty sure Ganesha said something about an Angel looking into his heart and saying something that pissed him off,then some Devils and Fallen started mocking him....and ever since he's held ah grudge.
[Their surprised and nod]
Kuroka:*Surprised*S-Still....I didn't think someone who's called ah Demigod Hero of Justice would be so.....
Me:Spiteful(She nods)yeah....yeah he got that from Indra....
[Their surprised and nod before we turn down the street to the house,we start walking up and then go up the steps to head inside.I open the door and hear ah voice I recognize all to well.....]
??????:Hey Ryo!
[My eyes widen and I turn to see them.......

To Be Continued...............

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