Chapter 21:Summit Begins

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm walking with the others following Grayfia to the meeting room,as we're walking I see that there's a lot of guards.We head into the school building and begin walking up some stairs before going down the hallway.Soon enough we reach the doors and head inside,I look around seeing Sona,Tsubaki,Sirzechs,Serafall,Michael,Gabriel,Irina,Azazel,The White Dragon,and surprisingly Bikou as well.I look at him and he smiles at me.....
Bikou:*Smiles*Hey Ryo.
Me:Bikou.....What are you doing here?
Bikou:*Smiling*I came with Vali & Azazel since he wanted extra protection.
Me:Considering the Four Emperors or The Old-Satan Faction are almost guaranteed to attack it's understandable.(He's surprised)Anyways....
[I look over at the White Dragon.....

Me:Good work keeping Bikou alive White One

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Me:Good work keeping Bikou alive White One.
[He looks at me and smirks]
White One:My name's Vali.....
Me:Yeah,Yeah Vali Lucifer I already know(Everyone goes wide eyed looking at me)*Raised Eyebrow*did you honestly think I wouldn't look into who the fuck Bikou was running with?
[He looks at me wide eyed]
Sirzechs;*Wide Eyed/Shocked*Wait Ryo you mean he's.....
Me:Ah Lucifer Descendant yes,he's also ah Hybrid(Their shocked)but regardless let's get this meeting started already.(They all slowly nod as a barrier is formed around the school)So to begin with my report......Simply put after finding Irina Shidou unconscious and injured on the round while searching for them to make sure they weren't dead.I engaged Kokabiel with the little shits that he had working under him.However,after I poked him in the nose with my staff and broke it he chucked a explosive Light Javelin at me.Before using the dust cloud created from the explosion to escape.Then I found them at this school and after telling Rias Gremory,Sona Sitri,and their peerages to get their asses over to my house in this town which has a barrier around it I put a barrier around this school before engaging Kokabiel again.Finding one of his lackies fusing the swords together,Kokabiel then thru a unconscious and injured Xenovia quarta at me.I then laid her against a tree before putting a healing barrier around her,right before Kokabiel summoned a Behemoth to attack me.(They go bug eyed)I then proceeded to kill it,before another one of Kokabiel's lackeys tried ta chop my head off with the fuzed excalibur.But was unable to do to my hand piercing thru his skull.(Some of them turn pale)Afterwards I chucked the Fused Excalibur at the first Lacky impaling him to a tree.Then in order to shock me Kokabiel revealed that the Biblical God had died during the Great War along with the Original Devil Kings,Xenovia who had woken up by this point heard this.I then put her to sleep before turning towards Kokabiel.Kicking him into the ground and using a technique called -Perserver's Judgement- named after Lord Vishnu to vaporize his body.I then took the lackey I impaled on a tree,the fuzed Excalibur,and Xenovia to my home.Where I let Rias's Knight Kiba Yuuto kill him as he was apart of the Holy Sword Project,while I laided Xenovia down in spare room I had.And that ends my report.
[Their all looking at me surprised slightly widen eyed]
Bikou:*Stunned/Wide Eyed*Bro(I look at him)you've meant Lord Vishnu?
Me:I've meant Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu,and Lord Shiva(They go slack jawed)....even had dinner with Lord Shiva and Lady Parvati once.(Their all looking at me wide eyed stunned in amazement)In any case with the death of Kokabiel,we now have The Fallen of Grigori,The Angels of Heaven,and The Devils of The Devil Faction all together.So don't you think it's about time you all stop your pointless ass fighting and start getting along?
[They all look at me]

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