Chapter 33:Heading Back.....

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm laying in bed just relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet,yesterday I went and dealt with Dumb & Dumber with Lord Shiva destroying the creature Griffith sent ta help them.Afterwards we all came back and the Leaders just talked about what to do next.As for Baby Dick & Animal Fucker they were both imprisoned in their respective Pantheon's Top-Level Prison.Apparently even Lord Izanagi put his foot up Tsukuyomi's Ass when he found out what he did.Anyways we're gonna be heading back to Kuoh  tomorrow,Ravel and some of the girls have been helping her with her stuff to.As I'm laying their I get a call,I look at my phone and see it's Sirzechs so I pick up.......
Me:<Hey Sirzechs what's up?>
Sirzechs:<Hell Ryo I wanted to ask if you could come to my office....there's been a incident>
Me:<Be right their>(I hang up and get up going straight thru a magic circle to his office,I walk thru seeing him)So what's happened Sirzechs?
Sirzechs:Earlier today a group of demons appeared(I'm surprised turning serious)they attacked the prison.
Me:How many prisoners got out?
Sirzechs:Only one,thankfully with the assistance of the Demon Slayer Hisashiras that were still here,the Demons were all dealt with and all but one of the prisoners were either killed or recaptured.
Me:Alright so who was the one that escaped?
Sirzechs:.......*Sigh*Ryan Phenex(I'm surprised and my eyes widen a little bit)from reports he escaped with another demon.
Me:I the bastard joined the other side(He nods)....alright thanks for telling me...have you told anyone else?
Sirzechs:I've informed Ruval who's increased security around the Phenex Clan Territory,if anyone spots him we'll be notified immediately.
Me:Alright...I'll let Ravel and her Mom know about this.
[He nods and I head back,once I'm back in my room I look down and sigh knowing I'll need to keep a eye out for the asshole.......]

(Timeskip to Next Day)
I'm sitting on the train with everyone relaxing I informed Ravel & her mother about the asshole,but they understood that if he does show his face it'll only get smashed in if he tries shit.Right now tho everyone's just relaxing and enjoying the ride.........
Azazel:Hey kid(I look at him)I was wondering something
Azazel:I wanted ta ask how come you've never gone into your Monkey Form?
[Everyone looks at me]
Me:Cause I never need to and why the hell do wanna now?
Azazel:Just curious what it looks like.
Me:Ask Bikou.
Bikou:Oi why you throwing me under the bus?
Me:Cuz I don't wanna transform and I can make you if I wanna.
Me:Love you to bro.
Kuroka:Oh I never thought about that[She and Koneko come next to me)I kinda wanna see it now.
Koneko:Me to.
Everyone else:Same.
Me:.....*Sigh*Alright I'll show you all when we get to the house on two conditions.
Everyone:Name em.
Me:Bikou shows his to.

Me:And second Kuroka,Koneko(They look at me and I hold to  small pieces of candy)tries these.
Kuroka:*Surprised*What are they?
Me:They're sweets I made myself,I wanna know what you think of them?
[They look at each other before shrugging and eating them,I look at them and once they swallow them]
Koneko:*Smiles*They're good.
[I watch as they both begin to sway side to side before laying down strength and curling up]
Me:Huh I was right.
[Everyone looks at me]
Rias:*Confused*About what?
Ravel:*Confused*What was in those pieces of chocolate?
[They look at me and I take out two balls of yarn I had before tossing them to the two kitties,they start playing with them even falling onto the ground]
Bikou:*Surprised*Damn they are gone.
Me:Higher than Buddha himself.
Rias:*Sweat Dropped*You really just fed them edibles?
Me:*Shrugs*They both brought up me and my bananas.
Nikki:Kuroka's tangled.
[We look and she's she's wrapped up,I reach down and help her.Once she's freed she grabs my hand biting it slightly,before licking it.I kick the ball of yarn in front of her and she pounces on it beginning to play with it again.We all sit and watch them......]

{A/N:There ya go Corpse_Bella you're catnip scene you wanted,ya'll honestly thought I forgot about this?Hell nah I was planning to do it,just didn't know when.Hope you liked it}

(Timeskip to The House)
I'm carrying Kuroka & Koneko up to the house with everyone following behind me.We head up the stairs and I open the door,we walk inside and once I turn the corner I see someone who makes me freeze in place........

We head up the stairs and I open the door,we walk inside and once I turn the corner I see someone who makes me freeze in place

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Me:*Under Breathe*Oh fuck.
Bikou:*Confused*What's up Br....(He sees her)*Under Breathe*Oh shit.
[We just look at her as everyone else looks at us,she looks at us slightly annoyed]
Emilia:*Annoyed*Ryo,Bikou you two have some explaining to do.
Me/Bikou:*Looking Down*Understood.
Me:Girls(They look at me)can you take Kuroka & Koneko up stairs and Ravel can you show you Mom to her room please?
All of Them:.....Okay....
[They take them and head up
Bikou:Uh....Emilia(She looks at him)j-just out of curiosity how did you get in?
Emilia:I had a bit of help.
[Suddenly string shoots down wrapping around us,we're surprised and then are pulled up seeing another familiar face.......]

[Everyone goes wide eyed seeing her while I stare at her knowing I'm so screwed & Bikou is blushing redder than Rias's hair

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[Everyone goes wide eyed seeing her while I stare at her knowing I'm so screwed & Bikou is blushing redder than Rias's hair....]
Me:.....*Trying to save my own ass*Oh hey Mai how have you...(She drops me on my head)Ouch.
[I look up seeing her grab Bikou before going up stairs,we all look at the stairs blankly]
Emilia:*Sigh*Knew she was gonna do that(We look at her and she slightly glares at me)now mind filling me in on everything that you've been up to Ryo.
[I slightly gulp and nod as everyone looks at us blankly not sure what to do.....]

To Be Continue..............

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