Chapter 48:Helping ah Friend

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(Ryo's Pov)
It's been about a week or so since the incident with the Hero Faction & we rescued Yasaka.After everything settled down it was decided that Benimaru & his team along with Gyuki & Kunou would come stay with us to act as representatives in Kuoh.Hakurou started helping Kiba,Arthur,Xenovia,Karlamine,Siris,Irina,and even Mahabali with their swordsmanship.Which made me laugh cause he just kept kicking their asses.Shuna ended up teaching Asia how to use Holy Magic which shocked the hell out of pretty much everyone.But probably the funniest thing was that Vali challenged Benimaru to a fight,which he accepted....only to pretty much instantly one shot Vali in his Balance Breaker.Bikou got ta do a 'I told ya' moment after that which made him happy and got Vali excited saying Benimaru was a new rival for him,something that Benimaru was excited to hear......never really thought about it,but those two are actually pretty similar.

Anyways right now I'm sitting in a car driving with Rias and Issei,apparently Rias's Aunt in Law's Butler contacted her to ask for our help.From what I was told her Aunt,Sairaorg's Mother',is suffering from a illness that afflicts devils causing them to fall into a comatose like state.There's no known cure,but her butler hopes that with the power of the Red Dragon and my Sage Arts we can wake her up.Which I'm pretty sure I can do using one of my techniques,as we're driving Issei asks me something......
Issei:Hey Ryo(I look at him)I was wondering if you could help me out with my training for the Rating Game against Sairaorg?
Me:Oh sure I don't mind(He smiles and nods)by the way Rias(She looks at me)I'm like 90% sure I'll be able ta heal your Aunt-in-Law pretty easily.(Their surprised)*Raised Eyebrow*Did you think I didn't have any healing techniques?
[They look at me blankly before looking down,then the boosted gear appears]
Ddraig:Ryo(I look at him)in regards to Issei's training he is very close to achieving a new level of power,one which even I do not know.But I can feel it is quite strong and he only needs a good push to reach it.
Me:....So piss him off and he'll get a power up?
Ddraig:Pretty much.
Me:Got it.
[Issei and Rias sweat drop before the car stops,we all get out with us seeing a butler]
Butler:Welcome Lady Rias,Red Dragon Emperor,Lord Ryo.
[We head inside]
Rias:How is she doing?
Butler:There haven't been any changes in her condition my Lady.
[We enter a room seeing her.....]

[We walk over to her]Me:Alright you want me to go first or do you want Issei to try Rias?[She looks at me]Rias:You can Ryo

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[We walk over to her]
Me:Alright you want me to go first or do you want Issei to try Rias?
[She looks at me]
Rias:You can Ryo.
[I nod]
Me:-Dhanvantari ka amrt-
[A small ball of glowing water forms in my hand,it begins to move going in circles,before forming a disk glowing even brighter...]

[The others look at the disk as I send it towards her,it floats down and upon coming into contact with her it sinks into her skin

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[The others look at the disk as I send it towards her,it floats down and upon coming into contact with her it sinks into her skin.Her body glows as it takes effect and after a few moments the glowing stops.We look at her and hear her groan,her eyes slowly begin to open slight before fully opening.The butler and Rias both tear up as Issei and I smile,she sits up]
Misla:W-What happened?
Butler:*Teary Eyed*My lady(She looks at him)I'm so happy you're awake,you've been asleep for a long time.But thanks to Lady Rias I was able to contact Lord Ryo who was able to cure you of your illness.
[She's surprised and looks at us,she looks at me and seems surprised]
Misla:*Surprised*Young man...are....are you Haruna's son?
[We're all surprised and I look at her slightly wide eyed]
Me:*Surprised/Wide Eyed* do my mother's name?
Misla:She and I were good friends,we have been for years.
Butler:Indeed Lady Haruna was a kind and loving woman,she is even Lord Sairaorg's Godmother.
[We're all surprised hearing this]
Me:*Surprised*........I won't lie....I was aware my Mom knew devils....but ah....didn't see this coming....damn.
[Rias and Issei both nod]
Misla:I had heard she....she had died(I look away and nod)I'm sorry for your lost....tho I know she would be proud to see you've grown up to be a fine young man.
[I smile slightly]
Butler:*Smiles*Indeed one who has done so much good and helped so many people.
[Misla,Rias,and Issei nod as I think about that.Then the door opens and we look seeing Sairaorg coming into the room immediately freezing seeing his Mom awake]
[He rushes over and hugs her crying as we all just look on happy seeing them back together,then something pops into my head.I look to the side]
Me:"Now that I think about it,I do have a few faint memories of ah devil visiting our home....Huh"
Sairaorg:*Crying*Ryo(I look at him and he bows)thank you....thank you so much for helping my mother.
Me:*Smiles*No problem man....after all she and my Mom were friends(He's surprised)I know surprised me to.
[He nods and then goes back to hugging his mother.......]

To Be Continued....................

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