Chapter 42:Ryo's Anger & Ryo's Trauma

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm sitting on the couch with Buddha watching TV,tomorrow's the field trip to Kyoto.We plan on asking Yasaka to join our alliance.Amaterasu's also calling today to set up a meeting with us.Oh Zerofuku's parents all came over to meet Gasper,they were all really supportive of them both.Unfortunately as they were walking around with Susanoo and Amaterasu some fuckheads showed up.They started harassing Amaterasu and Gasper,but Zerofuku ended up knocking all six of them the fuck out.Which surprised the others,but despite him being pretty young he is still a pretty much any normal human that isn't aware of the supernatural world is fodder to him.Anyways right now Kiba,Irina,and Arthur are downstairs in the training room sparring with Mahabali.Rias,Akeno,Asia,Mai,Le Fay,Eri,and the girls are all out shopping.Chris and Vali are both taking naps while Bikou & Issei are off doing something which I can only assume is stupid as hell.
Buddha:Hey Ryo(I look at him)I heard how you turned down being the next Monkey King.
Me:Yeah why? just never stop amazing me.(I shrug)So any idea where Bikou and Issei are?
Me:Don't know but I'm expecting they're either gonna comeback after getting their asses beaten,arrested,or trying ta hide whatever stupid shit they're up to.
[He laughs nodding his head,then my phone rings.I take it out and answer]
Amaterasu:<*Serious*Ryo you need to come to Kyoto.>
[I'm surprised by her tone]
Me:<*Confused*Did something happen?>
Amaterasu:<.......Yasaka's been kidnapped>
[My eyes widen and then are covered by my hair]
Me:<On my way have you called the others?>
Amaterasu:<Yes I have>
Me:<Alright see you in a minute>(We hang up and I stand up)Buddha tell the others I'm heading to Kyoto.
Buddha:*Curious*Did something happen?
Me;*Serious*Yasaka's been kidnapped.
Buddha:.....Alright,I'll let them all know.
[I nod and teleport away]

(Buddha's Pov)
I'm sitting their after Ryo just teleported away"Whoever managed to take her......hope it was worth dying for cause you're so screwed"As I sit their Mahabali,Arthur,Kiba,and Irina into the room as Rias,Akeno,Asia,Mai,Le Fay,Eri,and Ryo's Mates come thru the door.Zerofuku and Gasper come downstairs.They all notice Ryo's gone and seem curious....
Shuriya:*Tilts Head*Where's Ryo?
Yubelluna:We wanted to show him the new outfits we bought just for him.
Me:Yeah I don't think he'll be in the mood for a little while.
[Their surprised and confused]
Mahabali:*Cautious/Curious*What happened?
Me:Yasaka was kidnapped.
[Their shocked]
Zerofuku:...*Nervous*Emilia,Mai(They look at him)we need to go make sure Ryo doesn't lose control of his anger.
[As they form a magic circle Issei & Bikou come thru the front door stopping when they see all of us]
Issei/Bikou:*Frozen like a Deer in Headlights*
Emilia:*Nervous/Serious*Bikou we'll deal with whatever stupid shit you did later,for now get over here we need to hurry.
Bikou:*Surprised/Confused*Did something happen?
Mai:*Nervous*Yasaka was kidnapped(His eyes widen)and Ryo heard.
Bikou:*Gulp/Nervous*Shit..alright let's go.
[The four of them teleport away while everyone else seems confused by their reactions]
Rachel:Lord Buddha(I look at her)is Ryo close with Lady Yasaka?
Me:.....*Sigh*Yeah.....he's arguably closer to Yasaka then even Lady Parvati.
[They're surprised]
Me:Yeah.....after Ryo and Bikou's Mom died....and Ryo begun looking for who killed her,he learned that Yasaka's Husband had been killed by the same person.And so he meant with her & told her what happened to his mother.Hearing that and meeting Kunou.....Ryo became really close with both of them and Ryo promised that he would avenge his mother & her husband and Kunou's father......Kunou and Yasaka are pretty much the only ones that Ryo's fully opened up to about his mother's least the only ones he's opened up to and could understand  how it feels.(They're all surprised and look at him with a mixture of emotions)So hearing how Yasaka was kidnapped,he's probably thinking about Kunou....honestly whoever took her.....they about as dead as you can get.

Kuroka:....Lord Buddha(I look at her)....c-could you tell us some more about how Ryo's mother actually was killed?
Me:......*Sigh*Well...I'm not gonna go to into details,but it was while Ryo and Bikou were attending a trip with some other boys.....When they got home,they couldn't find their mother anywhere.They ended up searching all over,until......*Sad Sigh*Until Ryo ended up finding her body.(They're surprised and saddened hearing that)...From what I was told....the scene was horrific to put it nicely.....and according to just what I was made what that devil you killed Kuroka did look like nothing.
[The all look at him wide eyed]
Koneko:*Wide Eyed/Shocked*R...Ryo saw that?
[I nod]
Me:*Sad*From what I was told Sun Wukong was the one who found him just standing their looking at the scene,completely frozen,even after he was taken back to the village he didn't say ah single word,eat anything,drink,or even move for over four months.He just sat on his bed with hugging his knees and covering his face.
[They all look at him in shock and sadness]
Ravel:*Sad/Shock*W-Wait...Lord Buddha(I look at her)didn't you know about the person who killed Ryo,how they had killed other innocent yokai?
[Everyone looks at me]
Me:*Sad Sigh*Yes and No(They're confused)I was told about the yokai that were killed ....but at the time we had no reason to believe it was the work of a single person.There had only been six killings up to that point and none of them were anywhere close to what happened to Ryo's mother.Out of the six four of them just looked like muggings gone wrong.......but after Ryo and Bikou's mother was killed.....the killer was stayed at that level of intensity.We ended up figuring out that the original six murders were done by the same person by their energy signature they left on the scene.
[They all slowly nod]
Nikki:We should go help Ryo find Yasaka and make sure he doesn't lose control.
Me:Yeah,let's go.
[We all get together and teleport away going to Kyoto.........]

To Be Continued..........................

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