Chapter 57:The Mother of Devils' Return

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm standing outside a room with the Devil Kings except Serafall,Michael,and Azazel.Serafall is currently inside the room with Lilith checking her to make sure she's okay.She has recovered to the point of regaining consciousness thanks to the Shuna,Mai,Kuroka,Emilia,Asia,Mihae, & Ravel.As we're all standing outside the room the door opens,we look seeing Serafall coming out of the room....
Serafall:She's ready.
[We nod heading inside,where we see her and she sees us]
Lilith:.....Hmph Michael,Azazel.
Michael:....*Gulp*Hello Lilith...I'm glad to see your doing better now.
[She moves her gaze to the Devil Kings]
Lilith:So you are the other three who took on the role of my Late Husband and his first Creations?(They nod)Well then introduce yourselves and use name the family you come from.
[They nod]
Falbium:*Nervous*Falbium Asmodeus I'm from the Glasya-Labolas Family my Lady.
Ajuka:*Nervous*Ajuka Beelzebub I'm from the Astaroth Family my Lady.
Sirzechs:*Nervous*Sirzechs Lucifer I'm from the Gremory Clan my Lady.
[She nods looking at each of them and taking a bit longer looking at Sirzechs,then she looks at me]'re the Monkey Yokai which assisted in my rescue?
Me:Yes tho there were ah few other Yokai.
[She nods]
Lilith:Well then I would like to know what has happened while I've been asleep.
[The Devil King nods and then begin explaining.....]

(Timeskip Twenty Minutes  Later)
I'm standing with everyone as the Devil Kings finish up their explanation,Lilith keeps on glancing over at me after she heard I helped them all form a proper peace.As they're finishing it up she just looks at them......
Lilith:So not only have the Factions stopped fighting one another but the Yokai Factions,and the Norse,Shinto,Buddhist,Hindu,and Greek Pantheons have all joined a alliance against the same foe.
Serafall:Yes my Lady,they call themselves the 'Four Emperors' and are each considerable threats in their own right.
[She nods and then looks at me]
Lilith:And you're responsible for helping them reach a proper peace.
[I shrug]
Me:I helped them as much as I could to lead them to the option,but they were the ones who took the steps towards it.'re a Descendant of Sun Wukong correct?
Me:Yes I am.
Lilith:And I can tell you've also gained a Immortality just as he had(I nod),so tell me why have you been so invested in helping other races and stopping the fighting?
Me:......*Sigh*To be honest I don't really know....ever since I was little I've always been called a Prodigy whether that be with my Sage Arts or Martial Arts.I was always told I was gonna do great things.....And whether I heard about other races it would always be negative....them fighting or some shit....hearing that constantly just made me upset and my Mom would tell me to use the  power I was blessed with at birth to make my own Path in life......So somewhere along the line I guess I decided that I'd use it to help stop the fighting....I don't know if there was a tipping point or something but pretty much as long as I can remember it was always my goal....I even turned down becoming the Monkey King for it,which got a lot of people shocked but to me it was just common sense to do that so I could fulfill my goal.
[She looks at me with a look of curiosity,surprise,and something else.Then a small smile forms on her face]
Lilith:*Small Smile*I choose to follow a path which you decided on instead of one that was decided upon for you.(I nod)That is not a easy thing to do......Hmph but I have to say I'm surprised you two were so willing to play nice.
[She looks at Michael and Azazel who both look down]

Michael:*Looking Down*'s been a long time Lilith....people do change....
Azazel:*Looking Down*We've all grown tired of fighting....we just wanna relax and enjoy some peace.
Lilith:Ha never thought I'd hear those words come from you of all people Azazel.....Well I suppose I do understand however....Besides considering everything that's happened peace is certainly a more desired state than a repeat of war.....That being said(She looks at me)I would like to speak with you alone once I'm fully recovered.
Me:Hmm of course just don't rush your recovery okay Lady Lilith.
[She nods looking at me somewhat curiously]
Lilith:In any case regarding these Four Emperors from what you've told me they're disgusting little creatures especially the one called 'Griffith'.
[We all nod]
Serafall:We couldn't agree more my Lady,we've been working hard tho there is still much we don't know about the group.
Falbium:Hades was believed to be one of the Four Emperors,tho we also suspect there is likely another person controlling things behind the scenes.
[She nods]
Lilith:From what you've told me it is possible.....well then after I recover I will take my original position again.(The Devil Kings' Gulp)However given everything you four have proven yourselves to be capable of leading the Devil Faction so you will keep your positions.Tho you will listen to me understood.
[They're surprised and smile bowing they're heads]
All Four of Them:Understood Lady Lilith.
Lilith:Good now please inform the other leaders of this(They nod and head off)now Azazel(he looks at her)I'd like to meet my Great-Grandson so bring him here.
[He heads off with Michael dipping as well]
Lilith:Well I suppose now would be as good as ever(I raise a eyebrow)let's sit down as there's somethings I wish to discuss with you Ryo Zhitianmi.
[I go over and sit down at the table with her getting ready for this talk..............]

To Be Continue..................

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